Dust Collector
Table of Contents
Parts List ...................................................... 2
Introduction/Safety.................................... 4
General Information ................................... 7
Assembly ..................................................... 8
Maintenance and Troubleshooting ........ 10
Read the SAFETY section and Complete
the ASSEMBLY procedures before oper-
Dust Collector
Page 3
Dust Collector
and NOTES. We advise that when you come
to one of these listings, please read and un-
derstand it fully. Their meanings are:
Dust Free Woodworking
an efficient and effective means to collect
wood shavings and dust from the workshop.
Unlike conventional shop vacuums, the Dust
Collector is designed to collect and filter the
large volume of dust and shavings produced
used in conjunction with efficient dust collec-
tion chutes and attachments, the Dust Collec-
tor will help you approach “dustfree” wood-
directions could result in injury, loss of limb, or
A CAUTION is given when failure to follow
the directions could result in temporary or
permanent damage to the equipment.
Airflow is the Key
The “heart” of the Shopsmith Dust Collector
volumes of air. The dust and shavings pass
through the blower, are slowed down, and
then settle in the disposable bag. The air is
then returned to the room after passing
through a large, permanent filter capable of
filtering even the smallest wood dust par-
A NOTE is used to highlight an important
procedure, practice or condition.
General Safety Rules for
Power Tools
• ReadandunderstandtheOwnersManual.
• Groundalltools(unlessdoubleinsulated).
As youputyourhand overtheend ofthehose
you will not feel the high vacuum, or sealed
suction, of a home or shop vacuum. A home
vacuum cleaner needs this sealed suction to
move air through small openings. A shop
vacuum also requires a high sealed suction
when used for water pick-up. The large air-
flow of the Shopsmith Dust Collector can be
“observed” by placing a few fingers into the
end of the hose. The airflow of the Shopsmith
Dust Collector is much higher than any home
or shop vacuum.
• Wear proper eye and ear protection. Also,
wear a dust mask.
• Do not use power tools in damp, wet or explo-
sive atmospheres.
• Keep work areas well lit, clean, and free from
• Repair or replace damaged parts before fur-
ther use. If a strange noise or vibration devel-
Safety First
in safety features. But, the effectiveness of
these features depends on you. Throughout
• Do not overreach. Keep proper footing and
balance at all times.
Page 4
Dust Collector
• Donotleavethetoolrunningunattended.Turn
power off. Don’t leave tool until it comes to a
dust and shavings inside the bag. They may
also damage the hose and the fittings.
• Donotreachacrossapowertooltoturnoffthe
• Avoid unintentional starting. Make sure the
• Do not force the Dust Collector to do a job for
Safety Rules for the
Shopsmith Dust Collector
• Checkdamagedparts.Adamagedpartshould
use. If a strange noise or vibration develops,
• ReadandunderstandtheOwnersManual.Learn
the Dust Collector’s applications and limita-
tions as well as the specific potential hazards
• GroundtheDustCollector.Thecollectorcomes
equipped with an approved 3-conductor cord
and a 3-prong grounding type plug to fit the
proper grounding type receptacle, the green
conductor in the cord is the grounding wire.
• Avoid unintentional starting. Make sure the
• TurnoffandunplugtheCollectorbeforechang-
• Avoiddangerousenvironments.Electricshock
surfaces. Do not expose it to rain, snow or wet
floors. Storeitindoors.
• DonotstandorleanontheDustCollector.You
• Do not operate the Dust Collector without the
3-way inlet or the 4' inlet and elbow securely
mounted in place. The airflow can pull body
parts into the intake opening and into contact
• Maintain the Dust Collector. Keep the Dust
• Use only recommended Shopsmith parts and
accessories on your Dust Collector. NEVER
use non-Shopsmith replacement parts or ac-
hazardous condition and will void your war-
• Donotpickupwaterorwetmaterialswiththe
• Positionthehose(s)outofthewaysoyouwon’t
tripoverthem.. Donotpickuphotorburning
materials such as cigarettes and ashes. They
could ignite a fire in the bag. These materials
should be properly disposed of in a fireproof
• Do not leave the Dust Collector running unat-
• Do not drag the cord across sharp tools or
• Do not attach the Dust Collector or hoses to a
tool used for metal grinding or sharpening.
Page 5
Dust Collector
Sawdust and Shavings
handle the amperage of the circuit.
Grounding - The circuit you use should be properly
Sawdust and shavings can be fire hazards and breath-
ing dust can be a health hazard for some people. Dust
may cause physical discomfort, especially if you have
emphysema, asthma, or an allergic reaction. The dust
from some woods can create a toxic reaction.
• The plug on the Shopsmith Dust Collector has three
prongs, as shown in Figure 1. The receptacle should
have three corresponding holes.
Attach the Dust Collector to the dust chutes on your
power tools. This will help collect most of the sawdust
and shavings while you’re working and prevent them
from entering the air in the room.
Cover of Grounded
Outelet Box
Electrical Requirements
Grounding Blade
same circuit as the Shopsmith Mark V. You could over-
load the circuit.
• Donotmodifytheplug.Ifitwillnotfittheoutlet,have
the proper outlet installed.
• If you have a two-hole receptacle, use a temporary
grounding lug or wire on the adapter MUST be con-
nected to a permanent ground such as a grounded
until a properly grounded outlet can be installed.
(Adapters are not allowed in Canada.)
up as intended for use. If the unit does not come up to
speed within five seconds, turn off the switch. Place an
inlet plug assembly in one of the openings in the 3-way
inlet and try starting the unit again. After the unit is
running, you can remove the inlet plug.
If the Dust Collector still fails to come up to speed
from your electrical entrance box or if you’re using an
extension cord, the wire gauge is too small.
• If you are unsure as to whether your outlet box is
grounded ask a licensed electrician.
output and the amperage of the circuit you’ll be using.
requirements of the Dust Collector power plant. The
(in amps) of that motor, plus any other tools or appli-
ances you may have plugged into the same circuit and
running at the same time.
your Dust Collector, be sure it’s a three-conductor cord
with a grounding plug and receptacle.
• TheShopsmithDustCollector115-voltmotorisrated
at 1/2 hp and draws 8.0 amps. This motor runs on
ordinaryU.S. housecurrent-115volts, 60cycles(hz).
• The wire gauge must be thick enough to prevent loss
of power and overheating - the longer the cord, the
thicker the wire should be. Use only 12 gauge, 3-wire
• If you have fuses, we recommend you install “slow-
blow” fuses. Fusetron T-15 is recommended. When
you first turn on the machine, for a brief instant the
motor pulls 5-6 times its usual amperage to get up to
running speed.
• Before using an extension cord, inspect it for loose
immediately, and only replace with Shopsmith ap-
• If you need to run a new circuit to operate the Dust
Collector, be sure that the wire you use is rated to
• Don’t let the connection between the power cord and
an extension cord lie on a damp or wet surface.
Page 6
Dust Collector
General Information
Terms to Know
The main parts of the Dust Collector are:
Dust Collector Attachment Kit:
1. Bag - A heavy duty, disposable, 30-gal- 10. Two Hoses - Connect to the 3-way inlet.
lon, 4 mil., clear plastic bag.
2. 3-Way Inlet - Allows the hookup of one
11. Two Inlet Plug Assemblies - Placed in
the 3-way inlet port(s) that are not in use.
2-1/2" diameter hose, or you can use two 12. Two Extension Wands
or three hoses simultaneously.
13. Floor Pickup
3. Filter Hood - Filters dust particles out of 14. Elbow Brush
the air and returns dustfree air to the 15. Reducer-AllowsyoutoconnecttheShopsmith
room. An adjustable retaining strap se-
cures it to the main housing.
Mark V Model 500 (sold separately).
16. UtilityPickup
4. RearHandle-Easilyaccessibleformove-
ment of the unit.
5. Power Switch - A rocker type on/off
switchwithaninternaldustsealforextra TheDustCollector’sspecificationswillgive
you an idea of its capabilities.
6. Main Housing Assembly - Contains the
motor and blower assembly.
Bag: _________30 gallon capacity
7. Bag Clips - Three clips hold the bag Motor: _______1/2 hp industrial-duty ca-
pacitor start.
8. Retaining Strap - Secures the bag to the Power Cord: __12' long
main housing.
Airflow: ______330 cfm
9. Base Pan - Supports the unit. Two front Dimensions: __21" wide x 26" long x 48" high
casters and two rear wheels are attached Weight: ______approximately 64 pounds
for easy mobility.
e 7
Dust Collector
(42) and nuts (43), starting at the top hole.
Hand tighten all three nuts.
Assemble the Dust Collector according to the
following procedures. The numbers in paren-
theses are reference numbers listed in the
Parts List.
Tools Required:
! Medium and large Phillips screwdrivers
! Large bladed slot screwdriver
! Rubber mallet (or block of wood)
! Adjustable wrench, or 7/16" and 1/2"
! 1/2" socket, ratchet wrench and short ex-
! Pliers
Install the Legs
1. Lay the main housing (5) on its side. Make
sure it’s on top of cardboard to prevent
scratching. Pointthesmallerdiameterend
with three clips toward you and the 3-way
inlet towards the left. Place a block of
wood or a book under the housing so it
doesn’t roll. (See Figure 4).
Figure 5: Support the left leg as you attach it to the Main
Housing. The narrower side faces toward the front (3-
hose inlet) side.
3. Turn the housing over on the opposite
side, then attach the right leg (37) to the
housing in the same manner described
above. When you have completed install-
ing both legs, the circled “r” registration
mark after the word “Shopsmith” on the
legs should be near the larger diameter
end (top) of the main housing. Also, the
narrower side of both legs should be on
the same side of the housing as the 3-way
Figure 4: Lay the Main Housing on its side.
Install the Base Pan
2. Locate the three holes on the top of the
housing. Position the left leg (39) over the
of the leg faces the front toward the 3-way
inlet. (See Figure 5). Attach the left leg to
4. With the main housing and assembled
legs still on its side, position the base pan
(47) between the legs, so that the straight,
open side faces toward the front (the side
with the 3-way inlet). (See Figure 6).
Page 8
Dust Collector
Attach the Rear Handle
11. Attach the handle (33) to the back of the
ers (32) under the cap screw heads.
Tighten the Rear Handle
Figure 6: With the housing on its side, position the base
pan so the straight side faces towards the front.
12. Using a 7/16" wrench, tighten the
5. Attach the legs to the base pan (47) with
four screws (41), lock washers (42) and
nuts (43). Hand tighten all eight fasteners.
Install Snap-in Plugs and Left
Leg Cap
13. Insert the snap-in plugs (40) into the four
round holes in the side of each leg. Insert
the left leg cap (38) into the top of the left
Install the Rear Wheels
6. With the Dust Collector still on its side,
install the rear wheels, by inserting a re-
tainer(44)intoa5/8. socket(orclosed-end
wrench). Then with a rubber mallet, tap
end of the wheel shaft (46).
Install Filter Hood
14. Slip the bent tab of the metal retaining
strap (2) through the loop of the rack (3),
making sure that the writing on the rack is
on the outside (see Figure 7).
7. Slip a wheel (45) onto the wheel shaft with
the three spoke side facing the retainer.
Place a suitable block under the base pan
or lift it by hand. Insert the shaft through
the base pan’s wheel ‘.haft holes.
8. Put the other wheel on the wheel shaft
with the three spoke side facing out. In-
stall the other retainer cap and tap it se-
curely against the wheel shaft end with a
Figure 7: Assemble the hood retaining strap, rack and
clamp, and feed through the hem in the filter hood.
15. With the bent tab of the strap on the inside
of the rack; feed the pointed end of the
until the pointed end comes out through
the other slot in the hem.
9. Set the unit upright.
Tighten the Leg Screws
10. Using a 1/2" socket and. ratchet wrench to
hold the nuts (43), tighten the leg screws
(41) securely with a large Phillips screw-
16. Put the pointed end of the strap through
the loop in the clamp nut (4) (see Figure 7)
so there is at least 1/2" of the strap to bend.
Page 9
Dust Collector
17. Use suitable pliers to bend a tab over the
clamp nut (4) toward the housing. Crimp
both the tabs flat in order to hold the rack
(3) and clamp to the strap. (See Figure 7.)
Hook Up the Dust Collector
23. Plug the male socket trailing from the
back of the housing into the female socket
located on the leg. You will hear a “click”
when they are properly seated.
18. Install the filter hood (1) over the main
housing (5) so that the hemmed bottom of
the filter hood (containing the metal strap
you just installed) fits between the two
rolled ribs of the housing. Turn the filter
hood so the strap clamp is centered at the
back of the housing and the filter hood’s
stripes are aligned with the legs’ stripes.
24. Place the Dust Collector behind power
equipment. Connecthowevermanyhoses
you are going to be using to the 3-way
25. For each inlet you are not currently using,
push an inlet plug (50) with a cap (51) into
the open inlet.
19. Tighten the retaining strap assembly se-
curely with a large blade flathead screw-
26. Plug the Dust Collector into a wall socket.
Refer to the section, “Electrical Require-
Be sure you tighten the strap between the
two ribs on the main housing. If the strap is
tightened over a rib, the filter hood will
loosen and blow off the Dust Collector.
Using the Dust Collector
What NOT to Pick Up
Install Bag
The Dust Collector will help you keep a virtu-
ally dust-free workshop. You’ll breathe less
dust, haveacleanerandsafershop, andelimi-
20. To install the bag, open the bag (30) and
position it under the main housing (5).
the front clip (28) and take up the slack in
the bag as you push the edge of the bag
under each clip on both sides. The bag’s
excess should be neatly folded at the back
of the housing.
When the Dust Collector is attached to wood-
working equipment by the hoses, there is no
occasion for large scraps to be sucked into the
blower. However, when sweeping the floor
and cleaning up, pick up large wood scraps
before you use the dust collector.
21. Install the plastic retaining strap assembly
(29), but do not firmly clamp it yet.
Just remember that all materials “picked up”
pass through the fan and fan housing. While
the fan will not be damaged by small scraps
which you may occasionally pick up, it is not
advisable to make a practice of picking up
larger scraps. They will be drawn into the fan
and be struck at high velocity by the fan
blades and flung against the fan housing with
22. Check around the circumference of the
housing lip, and adjust the bag as needed
to get a good fit. Remember to gather the
excess to the back of the housing and fold
it as flat as you can. When all is snug,
engage the clamp on the plastic retaining
Page 10
Dust Collector
a loud noise. In some instances, large scraps
could even become jammed in the fan.
Turn off and unplug the Dust Collector before
The hoses attach to stationary or handheld
power woodworking equipment with 2-1/4"
dust chute outlets. A reducer allows you to
as the Shopsmith Mark V Model 500 (having
a serial number 222396 or lower). Three 2-1/
2" diameter hoses can be connected to the 3-
way inlet and used simultaneously. The large
airflow and filter capacity make it suitable for
other dust producing activities such as dry-
wall sanding. Through use, you’ll discover
Cleaning the Filter Hood
During operation, dust will build up on the
inside surface of the filter hood. Every time
thebagischanged, tapthetopandsidesofthe
filter hood to dislodge the dust buildup. If
you’re generating a lot of fine dust, tap off the
dust buildup more often
If you desire, you can wash the filter hood
when it becomes soiled and/or clogged. Be-
fore washing, dislodge the dust buildup and
remove the retaining strap. Then hand or
machine wash the hood in cold water using a
mild detergent. Line dry or tumble dry on no
heat. When hood is dry, reinstall the retaining
strap assembly.
Filter the Air - You can use the Dust Collector
to filter dust from the air in your workshop by
removing the hoses and any inlet plugs.
Optional 4 “ Inlet - With this inlet you can
connect the Dust Collector to power tools
equipped with 4. dust chutes and hoses.
Permanent Piping System using the 4. Inlet -
For some workshops it may be more conve-
nient to have a permanent system rather than
move the Dust Collector to various locations
throughout the shop. But long lengths of flex-
reduce the airflow and should not be used for
permanent systems. However, Schedule 10
PVC pipe and various fittings offer less resis-
tance to airflow than flexible hose and are
The instructions that come with the optional
4. inlet explain how to construct a permanent
Cleaning the Exterior
As needed, clean the outside of the Dust
ened with a soap and water solution. Wipe or
air dry all parts thoroughly.
Do not allow water to enter the switch area or to
Caring for Your Dust
Your Dust Collector is designed to deliver
years of reliable service with a minimum of
Page 11
Dust Collector problems usually have simple solutions. Under normal use, you should rarely
have to service your Dust Collector. Most problems can be corrected by maintenance or a
change of work habits.
Maintenance and Troubleshooting
Probable Cause
Unit will not start.
Plug loose in outlet.
Check plug and outlet.
Defective switch.
Defective motor.
Replace switch.
Replace motor.
Tripped circuit breaker or blown Reset circuit breaker or replace
fuse. fuse.
Long extension cord, insufficient Refer to “Electrical Require-
wiring or on same circuit as ments” in the Safety section.
Shopsmith Mark V or other ma-
Motor stops and starts er- Electrical short in cord.
Replace power cord.
Replace switch.
Electrical short in switch.
Plug loose in outlet.
Check plug and outlet.
Dust blowing out around fil- Loose retaining strap.
ter hood or bag
Tighten retaining strap.
Loss of airflow
Filter hood clogged.
Dislodge dust buildup.
Plugged hoses, extension wands or Unplug affected part(s).
Filter hood or collection bag Strap is tightened on top of rib on For filter hood, tighten strap be-
blowsoffmainhousingwhen main housing.
Dust Collector is turned on.
tween ribs.
For collection bag, tighten strap
on flat area between rib & main
When you contact us, please tell us your Customer
Number and Date Code of your equipment. (Your cus-
ontheseriallabelstickeronyourmachine). Tokeepthem
handy, please write in the alloted spaces below.
MARK V Lift Assist, please call our Customer
Service Department TOLL-FREE at 1-800-762-
techsupport@shopsmith.com, visit our webside
Shopsmith, Inc., Attn: Customer Service Tech-
nical Dept., 6530 Poe Avenue, Dayton, Ohio
Customer No.
Date Code:
©2005 Shopsmith, Inc.
All Rights Reserved
Printed In U.S.A.
6530 Poe Avenue
Dayton, Ohio 45414
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