Sierra Monitor Corporation Video Gaming Accessories 3100 01 User Manual |
Instruction Manual
2.1 General
2.2 Field-of-View
2.3 Range
2.4 Environment
2.5 Configuration
2.6 LED operation
2.7 Relay operation
3.1 General Precautions
3.2 Housing and Conduit
3.3 Connection
3.4 Testing
4.1 Lens Cleaning
A-1 - Exploded View
A-2 - Housing Dimensions
A-3 - Common Wiring Configurations
A-4 - Enhanced Series Wiring Connections
B.1 Dip Switch Settings
B.2 Connectors
B.3 Verify/Aux. Relay Configurations
B.4 Fault Table
Table of Contents
Instruction Manual
1.1 Introduction
1.3 Configuration
The Model 3100-01 has a Fire Relay and a Fault
Relay which may be connected as normally open or
normally closed contacts. Models 3100-02, -03, -
04, and -05 have in addition to the Fire and Faults
relays a Fire Verify system and an Auxiliary Fault
system. The Fire Verify system adds a “field ad-
justable” level of certainty to the declaration of a
verified fire. The Auxiliary Fault system will acti-
vate the Aux. Relay for the Lens Test fault. This
allows a separate indication for the most common
fault (a dirty lens). Atechnician can know immedi-
ately what is wrong and how to fix it (i.e. wipe the
lens) without reading codes, consulting manuals, or
wading through a process of complex diagnostics.
The 3100-06 has an industry standard 4-20 mA out-
put and no relays.
All versions of the Model 3100 Flame Detector Se-
ries utilize Ultraviolet, Infrared and Visible spectrum
to provide continuous and reliable flame detection.
The microprocessor in the Model 3100 is config-
ured with state-of-the-art fire algorithms and con-
tinuously analyzes the data from the sensor array
for individual intensity values, change of intensity
values, relationship of intensity values and frequency
signature correlations. Each algorithm is designed
to recognize a different type of flame signature from
the detectors while rejecting common false sources.
When the conditions of any one of the several fire
algorithms are met the Model 3100 declares a fire.
1.2 Fault Diagnostics
The Model 3100 detector is mounted in a NEMA
4X explosion proof housing, rated for Class I Divi-
sion 1 & 2 Groups B, C, D, Class II Division 1 & 2
Groups E, F, G, and Class III locations. The elec-
tronics are mounted inside an aluminum cup to pro-
tect the electronics during installation. All switch
settings and indicators are located on the front of
the Model 3100 detector module allowing field ad-
justments to be made without removing the detec-
tor module from the housing.
The micro-processor is also continuously perform-
ing system tests looking for any faults which would
impair its ability to accurately detect a flame and
declare an alarm. The systems being tested include:
input power, sensor circuits, relay circuits, and sev-
eral other internal systems. The Model 3100 Flame
Detector also performs a through the lens test of
the sensor and lens systems. All faults are recorded
in non-volatile memory and may be retrieved by a
trained technician.
Each Model 3100 detector is calibrated and tested
to respond to a 1 square foot Kerosene fire at 80
feet with a Field-of-View of 120°. The Model 3100
detector has four sensitivity settings and six verify
Fault Verify Aux.
Relay Relay Relay
None None
4-20 mA signal only
Models and Functions
FIGURE 1-1: Model 3100 Series Flame Detector
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Model 3100 Series Flame Detector (11/04)
Instruction Manual
2.1 General
will flash a code indicating the type of fault. Afault
indication may mean the device is unable to detect
a fire or that a device has become unreliable. (i.e. a
“Voltage Low” fault) For most faults the detector
will return to Normal Mode when the fault condi-
tion is corrected.
When the Model 3100 Flame Detector is powered
up, the microprocessor checks the configuration
switch settings and configures the detector. The mi-
croprocessor then runs a full series of self tests.
After the self test process is complete and all tests
are passed, the detector is ready to detect a fire.
The Model 3100 Series comes in several versions.
The basic version 3100-01 does not have the Verify
or theAuxiliary Relay systems. The enhanced Mod-
els 3100-02, -03, -04 and -05 have the Verify and
Auxiliary Relay systems. These versions represent
the different configurations (Normally Open or
Closed contacts) of the Verify andAuxiliary Relays.
The Auxiliary Relay provides a separate relay out-
put for the Lens Test Fault. The Verify system is
activated when a fire is declared. AVerified Fire is
declared when the conditions of the Verify FireAl-
gorithm are met. All other functions are the same
as the basic Model 3100-01.
All modes of operation are indicated by two LEDs
located on the front of the detector. Normal Mode
is indicated by a brief flash of the LEDs every 8
seconds. With the device in Normal Mode it is
constantly monitoring the environment and ready
to detect a fire.
When a fire is detected the flame detector will acti-
vate the Fire Relay and turn on both LEDs. If the
device is configured for “Latching” Mode the de-
vice will remain in Alarm Mode until power is re-
moved. In “Fire Following” Mode the Fire Relay
will reset when the Fire Probability Algorithm de-
termines there is no longer a fire.
The 3100-06 does not have relay outputs. It uses a
4-20 mA current circuit. The detector's status de-
termines the amount of current flow through the
The self test system is continuously monitoring the
internal systems. When a fault is detected the Fault
Relay is de-energized. In Fault Mode the LEDs
Figure 2-1: Model 3100 Series Field of View
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Model 3100 Series Flame Detector (11/04)
Instruction Manual
SW1 Shown in off position
SW2 Shown in on position
Figure 2-2: Configuration Switches
to sense a fire may impact the detector’s ability to
“see” the fire. Care should be taken to minimize
radiant energy sources within the detectors Field-
of-View. Because of the variety of environments
and conditions, a factory trained technician or quali-
fied P.E. should be consulted before deciding on
the location of devices. The Model 3100 Detector
uses an Ultraviolet sensor (180 - 260 nanometers),
an Infrared sensor (.715 - 3.5 microns), and a Vis-
ible sensor (480 - 560 nanometers).
2.2 Field-of-View (See Figure 2-1)
Optical Flame Detectors must be able to “see” the
fire to declare an alarm. Any obstruction between
the detector and the threat area will impair the de-
tectors ability to cover the threat area. An obstruc-
tion is anything that is not transparent to the sensor
elements of the detector. UV sensors and some
types of IR sensors cannot see through glass or plas-
tics. The 3100 series of Flame Detectors has a
120° Field of View.
When covering a large area the detectors should be
located to provide overlapping fields of view to in-
sure complete coverage.
2.5 Configuration (See Figure 2-2)
All of the 3100 Series models have field adjustable
configuration switches located on the front face of
the detector. The factory settings are shown in italic
text. The enhanced models have additional con-
figuration options for the Verified Fire.
2.3 Range
The size of fire and type of materials which consti-
tute the threat will affect the detector’s range. Dif-
ferent materials produce different amounts of the
radiant energy used by the detector to “see” the
fire. Also, the range of the detector is a function of
the fire size. Using the square of the distance rule,
if the device will detect a one sq. ft. fire at 60 feet,
to detect a 1/4 size fire (aprox. 6 sq. in.) the devices
must be within 30 feet. The Model 3100 Detector
is optimized to a 1 sq. ft. Kerosene fire at 80 feet
with the sensitivity settings set to maximum sensi-
2.5.1 Sensitivity
All versions have several sensitivity settings
available. The sensitivity settings are 20, 40,
60, and 80 feet. Each setting is optimized to
alarm on a 1 sq. ft. Kerosene fire within 5
seconds. Switches 1 and 2 control the sensi-
tivity. The factory default is 80 feet. (SW1
and SW2 are off.)
Note: Different fuels emit energy at different
rates. For example; a fire involving fuel oil
does not emit energy at the same rate as gaso-
line. Consequently, the Model 3100 will be
able to respond to a gasoline fire at a little
greater distance than it will to a fuel oil fire.
Similary, a fire involving acetone will be seen
at a greater distance than one involving gaso-
2.4 Environment
All optical flame detectors sense radiant energy at
some frequency or frequencies within their Field-
of-View. Any source which radiates energy at the
same frequency or frequencies used by the detector
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Model 3100 Series Flame Detector (11/04)
Instruction Manual
Mounting Screw
(2 locations)
Configuration Switches
Figure 2-3: Model 3100 Series Detector Module (Front)
2.5.2 Verify Control
The Enhanced Model 3100-02, -03, -04, -
put or the verify output is set to "Latching"
then the detector will be set to "Latching".
05 and -06 have the Verified Fire function.
The Verify Control switches allow the user
to select the verify level, disable the verify
function, or make the Verify Relay operate
in parallel with the Fire Relay. The verify
function in enabled when the detector de-
clares an alarm. The verify level sets the
degree of certainty required to declare a veri-
fied fire. The lowest level (1) is the lowest
certainty (fastest) and the highest level (6) is
the greatest certainty (slowest) of a fire. The
verify function enables an algorithm which
evaluates the fire signature over time to de-
termine the degree of certainty. When the
degree of certainty exceeds the level set by
the configuration switches a Verified Fire is
declared and the Verify Relay is energized.
Switches 3, 4, and 5 control the verify func-
tion. The factory default is verify disabled
and set to level 0. (SW3, SW4 and SW5 are
When the detector is set to "Latching" the
LED's will indicate an alarm until the device
is reset regardless of the fire or verify relay
output settings.
TheVerify Relay is automatically configured
as “Latching” if the Fire Relay is set to “Latch-
ing”. SW6 sets the Fire Relay Output, SW7
sets the Verify Relay Output and SW8 sets
the Detector Mode. To set the detector to
"Non-latching", SW6, SW7 and SW8 must
be set to "Non-latching. The factory defaults
are “Latching” (SW6 and SW7 are off.)
2.5.4 Other Configuration Switches
The last configuration switch (SW9) must be
in the off position. The factory default set-
ting is off.
2.6 LED operation (See Figure 2-3)
The status of all versions of the flame detectors can
be determined from the LEDs located behind the
lens on the front of the detector. The LEDs will
flash at intervals or remain on to indicate the detec-
tors status. (Fault Mode, Normal Mode, Alarm
Mode, Verified Fire Mode, and on power up the
Configuration Settings).
2.5.3 Latching Control
The latching controls allow the detector or
individual relay outputs to be set to “Latch-
ing” or “Fire Following”. “Latching” causes
the relay to stay energized until power is re-
moved from the detector. “Non-latching” al-
lows the relay to reset (de-energize) when a
flame is not present for a short period of time.
2.6.1 Power Up
At power up all versions of the flame detec-
tor will begin flashing the LEDs. The LEDs
will flash 8 consecutive patterns which indi-
cates the positions of the configuration
switches. Each pattern indicates the position
For the detector to be set to "Non-latching"
both Fire Output and Verify Output must be
set to "Non-latching". If either the fire out-
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Model 3100 Series Flame Detector (11/04)
Instruction Manual
Figure 2-4: Model 3100 Series Detector Module (Back)
(“on” or “off”) of a switch (SW1-SW8).
The first flash pattern indicates the position
of the first switch (SW1), with each consecu-
tive flash indicating the position of the next
switch in order. The flash pattern is as fol-
lows: only one LED “on” indicates a switch
in the “off” position, both LEDs “on” indi-
cates a switch in the “on” position. The po-
sition of SW9 is not indicated. If SW9 is in
the “on” position the detector will power up
in fault mode.
2.6.4 Fault
When the detector has power and is in Fault
Mode LED1 (the left LED when facing the
detector with the configuration switches be-
low the LEDs) will be on for 5 seconds while
the LED2 (the right LED) will be off see
Table B.4 on page 12. The LED will turn
"off" and LED 2 will begin flashing 1/2 sec-
onds "on" and 1/2 second "off" a number of
times. The number of times LED2 flashes
indicates the type of fault. This cycle is re-
peated until the fault is corrected. Only the
highest number fault is indicated. Once a
fault is corrected the next highest level fault
will be indicated until all faults are cured.
Except for fault level 2 and 3, a fire indica-
tion will override a fault indication. The de-
tector is disabled if a fault 2 or 3 is indicated.
2.6.2 Normal
In Normal Mode the LEDs will flash briefly
every 8 seconds. Whenever the device is in
any other mode the “flash every 8 seconds”
is suspended until the detector returns to
Normal Mode.
2.6.3 Fire
2.7 Relay operation (See Figure 2-4)
When any version of the Model 3100 de-
clares a fire, both LEDs will come “on” and
stay “on”. If the detector is set to "Latching"
the LED's will remain "on" and stay "on"
until the detector is powered down. If the
detector is set to "Non-latching" the LED's
will reset to "Normal Mode" when the fire is
no longer being detected. If the Verified Fire
is declared (Verify Fire is only on the En-
hanced Models) the LEDs will blink “off”
briefly every second. If the detector is set to
"Latching" the LED's will remain in this state
until the detector is powered down.
The Model 3100-01 has two relays, the enhanced
Models 3100-02, -03, -04 and -05 have four relays.
The function of the Fire and Fault Relays is the
same on all models. The Verify Relay and Aux.
Relay is only available on the enhanced models. All
relay connections are made at the connectors lo-
cated on the back of the flame detector module.
2.7.1 Fire Relay
The Fire Relay will energize whenever the
detector declares a fire. Depending on the
configuration setting, the relay will: “Latch-
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Model 3100 Series Flame Detector (11/04)
Instruction Manual
ing” - remain energized until power is re-
3100-02 and 3100-05 models. The configu-
ration of Normally Open or Normally Closed
contacts is fixed and can only be changed by
the factory.
moved, ”Fire Following” - de-energize a short
time after the fire is no longer detected. The
“J2” connector provides connections for both
normally open contacts and normally closed
contacts on the Fire Relay.
2.7.5 4-20 mA Operation
The 3100-06 uses a 4 to 20 mA current draw
circuit to indicate Fault, Fire, Verify Fire and
Normal Mode. The current draws are as fol-
2.7.2 Fault Relay
The Fault Relay is a normally energized re-
lay. It will de-energize when a Fault occurs.
This means the detectors Fault Relay is in
the “Fault” state when the detector has no
power, and remains in the “Fault” state until
the detector is powered up and operating nor-
mally. The “J4” connector provides both
normally open contacts and normally closed
contact on the Fault Relay.
Fault Mode:
Normal Mode:
Alarm Mode:
Verify Mode:
0 mA
4 mA
12 mA
20 mA
The 4-20 circuit is connected across the J2
connector at contact 6 and 7 where connec-
tion 6 is the negative side and connection 7 is
the positive side. Additionally, a jumper be-
tween contacts 7 and 8 must be made.
2.7.3 Verify Relay
The Verify Relay will energize when a “Veri-
fied Fire” is declared. Depending on the con-
figuration the relay will: “Latching” - remain
energized until power is removed, “Fire Fol-
lowing” - de-energize a short time after the
fire is no longer detected. Further, the “Verify
Control” configured to Level 0 will disable
theVerify Relay, and Level 7 causes the Verify
Relay to operate in parallel with the Fire Re-
lay. The connector labeled “Verify In” and
“Verify Out” provides connections for nor-
mally open contacts on the 3100-02 and 3100-
04 or normally closed contacts on the 3100-
03 and 3100-05. The configuration of Nor-
mally Open or Normally Closed contacts is
fixed and can only be changed by the fac-
2.7.4 Auxiliary Fault
The Aux. Relay is energized whenever the
detector fails the “Lens Check” test. This
fault indicates the detectors inability to “see”
a fire. Normally, cleaning the lens will clear
this fault. Because a dirty lens is the most
common type of fault, a separate indicator
connected to this relay will simplify mainte-
nance. The connector labeled “Aux In” and
“Aux Out” provides connections for Normally
Open contacts on the 3100-03 and 3100-04
models or Normally Closed contacts on the
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Model 3100 Series Flame Detector (11/04)
Instruction Manual
3.3.1 Power
3.1 General Precautions
Power for the 3100-01, -02, -03, -04 and -
05 flame detector is connected to the J5 con-
nector labeled “Power”. Connect the nega-
tive wire to PIN 1. Connect the positive (24
VDC) wire to PIN 4.
All wiring and installation must be done in accor-
dance with the NFPA70 and 72 standards and must
comply with any codes specific to the application or
location. Contact the local authority having juris-
diction and the company safety engineer for infor-
mation on codes which may apply.
Power for the 3100-06 detector connected
to the J2 connector. Connect positive wire
at 4. Connect negative wire at pin 1. Pins 2
and 3 should be left open.
3.2 Housing and Conduit
3.2.1 Mounting the Housing
3.3.2 Fire Relay
The housing is mounted by using the two
0.3” diameter holes located in ears on the
back of the housing. The two conduit holes
located on the side of the housing are not to
be used for mounting. The detector should
be mounted securely to a flat surface. The
mounting location must be strong enough to
support the detectors 3 lb. weight. Although
the detector is not vibration sensitive the de-
tector should not be exposed to excessive vi-
bration. "(The detector has been tested to
meet the vibration standard set in FM’s Ap-
proval Standard Class 3820, Sept. 1979.
(.022" displacement, 10 Hz to 30 Hz sweep
cycled at 2 cpm for 4 hours)"
The Fire Relay has two internal connection
points. Either or both may be used. The
Fire Relay connector, labeled “FIRE”, has
connection points for Normally Open, Nor-
mally Closed, and Common. The Normally
Open connections are labeled “Open”, the
Common contacts are labeled “Com”, and
the Normally Closed contacts are labeled
3.3.3 Verify Relay
The Verify Relay has two internal connec-
tion points. Either or both may be used. The
Verify Relay connector is located between
the Power and Fire relay connectors. The
connection points are labeled “Verify In” and
“Verify Out”. The Verify relay is configured
for Normally Open (3100-02 and 3100-04),
or Normally Closed (3100-03 and 3100-05)
operation at the factory.
3.2.2 Installing the Conduit and Wiring
Mount a “Seal Off” at the housing into the
3/4” NPT conduit(s) located on either side
of the housing. Connect the conduit to the
“Seal Off”. If one of the conduit openings is
not used insert a sealing plug into the unused
opening. Run the wires through the conduit,
“Seal Off”, and into the housing. The ends
of the wire should extend several inches (at
least 2” to 4”) beyond the front of the hous-
ing base.
3.3.4 Fault Relay
The Fault Relay connector is labeled “Fault”.
The Normally Open connection is labeled
“O”, the Common connection is labeled
“Com”, and the Normally Closed connec-
tion is labeled “C”. The Fault Relay is a
normally energized relay. When the detec-
tor has no power the Normally Open contact
is closed and the Normally Closed contact is
3.3 Connection (See Appendix C for information
regarding connection to various systems)
All connections are made on the back of the Model
3100 Flame Detector Module. Remove the housing
cover from the housing base. Loosen the two slot-
ted head captive screws located on the top of the
PC board. Lift the Detector Module out of the
housing base. Strip and connect the wires to the
connectors located on the back of the Detector
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Model 3100 Series Flame Detector (11/04)
Instruction Manual
3.3.5 Auxiliary Relay
TheAuxiliary Relay connector is located be-
The self-test functions eliminate the need for most
regular maintenance procedures. If a detector indi-
cates a fault, use the troubleshooting section of this
document to correct the fault. Contact the local
“authority having jurisdiction” or consult the local
codes for any maintenance they may require for the
type of system installed.
tween the Power and Fire Relay connectors.
The connection points are labeled “Aux In”
and “Aux Out”. The Aux. Relay is config-
ured for Normally Open (3100-03 and 3100-
04), or Normally Closed (3100-02 and 3100-
05) operation at the factory.
3.3.6 4-20 mA Connections
4.1 Lens Cleaning
The 4-20 mA connections are connected at
the J2 connections The positive side of the
4-20 mA circuit is connected to Pin 7 and
negative side to Pin 6.
The most common fault is a Lens Test Fault. Regu-
lar cleaning of the Lens will eliminate this type of
fault. The frequency will depend on the cleanliness
of the area where the detector is installed and how
the detector is mounted. Adetector which is pointed
down should require less cleaning than one that is
pointed up. An area which has lots of oil particu-
lates or dust will require more frequent cleaning than
one that is oil and dust free. The frequency of the
Lens Test Fault will indicate how often cleaning is
necessary. If the device is failing the “Lens test” to
often it may be necessary to install a dust shroud,
realign the detector, or change the detectors mount-
ing location.
3.4 Testing
The Model 3100 Flame Detector uses ongoing self-
test functions which will indicate a fault if any of
the functions fail to pass. If an end to end test is
required, a 1 sq. ft. pan with 1 inch of water and 1/
8 inch of kerosene set at the max. distance set by
the sensitivity settings may also be used. The detec-
tor should alarm within 5 seconds of ignition of the
To clean the lens: Wipe the lens surface and grill
with a clean lint free cloth. If more extensive clean-
ing is required use denatured or Isopropyl alcohol
and a clean lint free cloth. Do not use any silica
based solvents. (Most common glass cleaners are
silica based and should not be used to clean the
The Model 3140 Flame Tester is also available. It
simulates a UV/IR flame signature by emitting a
steady state UV signal and modulated IR signal at a
flicker frequency of 5 to 10 Hs.
NOTE: Because of the danger involved with
fire testing all safety precautions
must be observed.
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Model 3100 Series Flame Detector (11/04)
Instruction Manual
5.2.4 Fault Type 4 - “Voltage Low Fault”
The input voltage is below 15 VDC. Re-
move the Detector Module from the hous-
ing. With the detector connected to power,
measure the voltage between Pin 1 and Pin
4 on the Power connector (J5). The volt-
age should be between 15 - 32 VDC. If the
voltage is out of range check external wir-
ing and power supply. There should not be
more than 1 volt of AC ripple at 24 VDC.
If the measured voltage is in range and there
is no AC ripple, contact the factory for re-
turn and service information.
The flame detector has several built-in self test
mechanisms which verify function and calibration.
The following procedure covers most faults and
problems which may occur during installation or
during the course of normal operation.
5.1 No LED blink or erratic LED blink
With power connected to the detector the LEDs
on the front of the detector module should begin
blinking and blink about every 8 seconds. If they
do not blink or blink in an abnormal fashion.
1. Remove the detector module from the hous-
5.2.5 Fault Type 5 - “Photo Sensor Fault”
2. Check voltage at power connector (J5, Pin 1
and Pin 4) Pin 1 should be the connected to
negative, and Pin 4 should be positive. Volt-
age should be between 15 and 32 volts DC.
3. If Main power is correct and the detector is
not indicating a fault. The detector module
should be returned to the factory.
One of the Photo Sensors (Visible or IR)
did not pass the internal self test. If both
sensors are clean. The fault may be in the
sensors or the self test circuit. Contact the
factory for further diagnostic information.
5.2.6 Fault Type 6 - “Relay Fault”
One of the Relay’s coil circuits is open.
There is no corrective action. Contact the
factory for return and service information.
5.2 Detector Indicates Fault
Use the fault table (Table B.4, page 17) to deter-
mine what type of fault is occurring and see ap-
propriate section below to correct. If the correc-
tive actions listed below do not correct the fault,
contact the factory for further diagnostic instruc-
tions or instructions on returning the detector for
servicing. (Ref. 2.6.4) or repeat.
5.2.7 Fault Type 7 - “Voltage High”
The Detector was exposed to an input volt-
age above 32 Volts. There is no corrective
action. Contact the factory for return and
service information.
5.2.1 Fault Type 1 - “Lens Test Fault”
5.2.8 Fault Type 8 - “Temperature Out of
Clean lens and grill per section 4.1. Reset
the detector (remove and replace power).
If the fault persists it may indicate a bad
UV tube or UV source tube, factory ser-
vice is required.
The internal measured temperature was be-
low -40° C or above 85° C. There is no
corrective action. Contact the factory for
return and service information.
5.2.2 Fault Type 2 - “Configuration Fault”
5.3 Device appears to operate normally but will
not alarm to a fire.
Dip Switch SW9 is “ON”. SW9 should be
set to off for normal operation. Change
SW9 to “OFF” and reset detector.
When the detector declares an alarm two things
should happen. One, both the LEDs on the front
of the detector should come on. Two, the fire re-
lay should energize. Check the dip switch set-
tings. (SW1, SW2, SW8, and SW9 should be off
SW3 - SW7 have no impact.) Connect an ohm
meter across the Fire relay connections at the “Fire”
connector (Pin 1 and Pin 3 of J2). Run a fire test
per section 3.4.
5.2.3 Fault Type 3 - “Calibration Fault”
Calibration constants have been corrupted.
Factory service is required.
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Model 3100 Series Flame Detector (11/04)
Instruction Manual
1. If the relay closes (0 ohms on the meter) and
the LEDs come “on” the detector is operating
normally. Check external alarm initiating cir-
cuit wiring.
2. If the relay closes and the LEDs remain off,
or the relay remains open and the LEDs come
on, the detector needs factory service.
3. If the relay remains open and the LEDs re-
main off, contact the factory for further diag-
nostic information.
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Model 3100 Series Flame Detector (11/04)
Instruction Manual
1 ft. sq. Pan fire on axis @ 80 feet within 5 seconds (using standard fuel)
Switch selectable form 20 to 80 feet to a 1 sq. ft. kerosene fire
120 degree cone
UV - 185 to 260 nm, IR - 0.715 to 3.5 microns, Visible - 480 to 560 nm
15 to 32 volts, typically 24 volts
Field of View:
Input voltage:
Current Draw:
Temperature Range:
@24 Volts DC: 72 mAnormal mode, 82 mAalarm mode
-40oF to 185oF (-40oC to 85oC)
-67oF to 230oF(-55oC to 110oC)
Display switch settings, fault type, fire and verified fire information
Model 3100-01:
Fire and Fault Relays
120 VAC, 1.0 amp @ 24 VDC resistive, normally open and normally closed contacts,
latching or fire-following modes
3100-02, -03, -04,
-05 Enhanced Relay
Fire, Fault, Verify andAux Relays
0.5 amp @ 120 VAC, 1.0 amp @ 24 VDC resistive, normally open and normally
closed contacts are available.
4-20 mA Outputs
0 mA - Fault, 4 - mA - Normal Mode, 12 mA - Alarm, 20 mA - Verified Fire
Screw terminals, 14 - 22AGW wire size
Copper-free Cast Aluminum with epoxy finish, Conduits: Two 3/4 inch NPT feed-
through hubs
Hazardous area
NEMA 4X, Explosion Proof
Class I, Div. 1 and 2, Groups B, C, D, Class II and III, Div. 1 and 2, Groups E, F, G
5.4 x 4.8 x 3.7 inches (13.7 x 12.2 x 9.4 cm)
3 lbs (1.3 Kg)
SIERRA MONITOR CORPORATION warrants its nor to any damage resulting from battery leakage.
products to be free from defects in workmanship or
material under normal use and service for two years In all cases SMC’s responsibility and liability under this
after date of shipment. SMC will repair or replace with- warranty shall be limited to the cost of the equipment.
out charge any equipment found to be defective during The purchaser must obtain shipping instructions for the
the warranty period. Final determination of the nature prepaid return of any item under this warranty provi-
and responsibility for defective or damaged equipment sion and compliance with such instruction shall be a
will be made by SMC personnel.
condition of this warranty.
All warranties hereunder are contingent upon proper use Except for the express warranty stated above, SMC dis-
in the application for which the product was intended claims all warranties with regard to the products sold
and do not cover products which have been modified or hereunder including all implied warranties of merchant-
repaired without SMC approval or which have been sub- ability and fitness and the express warranties stated herein
jected to accident, improper maintenance, installation are in lieu of all obligations or liabilities on the part of
or application, or on which original identification marks SMC for damages including, but not limited to, conse-
have been removed or altered. This Limited Warranty quential damages arising out of/or in connection with
also will not apply to interconnecting cables or wires, the use or performance of the product.
consumables (ie. calibration gases, batteries, sensors),
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Model 3100 Series Flame Detector (11/04)
Instruction Manual
Figure A-1: Model 3100 Series Exploded View
Figure A-2: Model 3100 Series Dimensions
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Model 3100 Series Flame Detector (11/04)
Instruction Manual
Figure A-3: Model 3100 Series Common Wiring Connections
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Model 3100 Series Flame Detector (11/04)
Instruction Manual
Factory jumpers
are used to set
NC or NO
Figure A-4: Model 3100 Series (Enhanced) Wiring Connections
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Model 3100 Series Flame Detector (11/04)
Instruction Manual
B.1 Dip Switch Settings
B.1.1 Sensitivity
20 Foot
40 Foot
60 Foot
80 Foot
B.1.2 Verify Control (3100-02, -03, -04 and -05 Models only)
Level 0
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Level 6
Level 7
Verify = Fire
Min. Verify (shorter)
Min. Verify (shorter)
Min. Verify (shorter)
Min. Verify (shorter)
Min. Verify (shorter)
Max. Verify (longer)
Verify Disabled
B.1.3 Fire Output“Latching” Control
Fire Output
Alarm until Power down Reset
Alarm until no fire (.5 to 10 sec.)
B.1.4 Verify Relay “Latching” Control (3100-02, -03, -04 and -05 Models only)
Verify Relay
Alarm until Power down Reset
Alarm until no fire (.5 to 10 sec.)
B.1.5 Detector "Non-Latching" Control
SW6, SW7 and SW8 must be on for the detector to be "Non-Latching".
B.1.6 Factory Use Only
SW8 and SW9 must be in the OFF position for normal operation. They are used for factory
calibration and testing.
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Model 3100 Series Flame Detector (11/04)
Instruction Manual
B.2 Connectors
B.2.1 Fire Relay Connector
(J2) Fire Relay
Pin 1 (Left Most) & Pin 2
Normally Open Side of Relay
Common or Center Side of Relay
Normally Closed Side of Relay
Pin 3 & Pin 4 (Middle)
Pin 5 & Pin 6 (Right Most)
B.2.2 Verify andAux. Fault Connector
Pin 1 (Left Most) & Pin 2
Pin 3 & Pin 4
Verify Relay Common Side of Relay
Verify Relay NO or NC Side of Relay
Aux. Fault Relay Common Side of Relay
Aux. Fault Relay NO or NC Side of Relay
Pin 5
Pin 6 (Right Most)
B.2.3 Fault Connector
(J4) Fault Relay
Pin 1 (Left Most)
Pin 2 (Middle)
Description (Normally Energized State)
Normally Closed Side of Relay
Common Side of Relay
Pin 3 (Right Most)
Normally Open Side of Relay
B.2.4 Power/Communications Connector
(J5) Power/Comm.
Pin 1 (Left Most) & Pin 5
Pin 2 & Pin 6
Power (DC -)
Communication RS 485 (-)
Communication RS 485 (+)
Power (DC +)
Pin 3 & Pin 7
Pin 4 & Pin 8 (Right Most)
B.2.5 3100-06 Connectors
(J2) Connector
Pin 1 (Left Most)
Pin 2
Power (DC -)
Communication RS 485 (-)
Communication RS 485 (+)
Power (DC +)
Pin 3
Pin 4
Pin 5
4-20mA Negative
4-20mA Positive
Pin 6
Pin 7 to Pin 8 Jumper (Right Most)
Enables 4-20 mA
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Model 3100 Series Flame Detector (11/04)
Instruction Manual
B.3 Verify/Aux. Relay Configurations
Model #
Verify Relay
Aux. Relay
Open Contacts
Closed Contacts
Open Contacts
Closed Contact
Closed Contacts
Open Contacts
Open Contacts
Closed Contacts
B.4 Fault Table
Fault # Fault Label
Lens Test Fault
UV sensors didn’t detect enough UV from the internal UV source.
SW9 is “ON” or a failed program
Configuration Fault
Calibration Fault
Volt. Low
Device is out of calibration
Input Voltage is below 15 VDC
Photo. Sensor Fault
Relay Fault
IR or Visible sensor failed to detect internal test source.
Relay coil circuit is open.
Volt. High
Input Voltage was above 32 VDC
Temp. Out of Range
Internal device temperature went below -40° C or above 85° C.
B.5 FalseAlarm Stimuli Table
This table shows the detectors ability to tolerate both modulated and unmodulated false alarm stimuli.
FalseAlarms Source
6 Feet
Unmodulated Modulated
No Response No Response
No Response No Response
No Response No Response
No Response No Response
No Response No Response
No Response No Response
Resistive Electric Heater 1320 Watt
Fluorescent Lights (2) 40 Watt Bulbs
Halogen Light 500 Watt
Incandescent Light 100 Watt
Arc Welder 50 Watt
6 Feet
10 Feet
6 Feet
25 Feet
Direct Sunlight
93 million miles
B.6 Fire and FalseAlarm Stimuli Table
Model 3100 detector response to a fire while exposed to a variety of radiant energy sources.
Distance to False
Alarm Source
6 Feet
to Fire
6 Feet
6 Feet
6 Feet
6 Feet
6 Feet
6 Feet
Response Time to
Resistive Electric Heater 1320 Watt
Florescent Lights (2) 40 Watt Bulbs
Halogen Light 500 Watt
Incandescent Light 100 Watt
Arc Welder 50 Watt
Less than 5 sec.
Less than 5 sec.
Less than 5 sec.
Less than 5 sec.
Less than 5 sec.
Less than 5 sec.
6 Feet
10 Feet
6 Feet
25 Feet
Direct Sunlight
93 million miles
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Model 3100 Series Flame Detector (11/04)
Instruction Manual
B.7 Detector Response to Fuels Table
80 Feet
50 Feet
15 Feet
75 Feet
Fire Size
Response Time
Less than 3 sec.
Less than 3 sec.
Less than 5 sec.
Less than 5 sec.
1 Square Foot
18 inch jet
18 inch jet
1 Square Foot
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Instruction Manual
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Model 3100 Series Flame Detector (11/04)
Instruction Manual
Latching 2, 4, 6, 15
LEDs 2, 4, 5, 20
Lens 8
Lens Test 1, 2
Mode 2, 4
Verified 2
Relay 1, 2, 5, 6, 7
Alarm 2, 4, 5
Fault 5
Fire Following 2
Latching 2
Normal 2, 4
Verified Fire 4
Cleaning 8
Conduit 7, 11
Relay Control 4
Sensitivity 3
Switches 3, 4
Verify Control 4
Configuration Switches 5
Connection 7
Normal Mode 2, 4, 5
Normally Closed 2, 6, 7
Normally Open 2, 6, 7
Power 4, 7, 16, 19
Aux. 6, 7
Fault 6, 7
Fire 6, 7
Range 3
Power 7
Relay 5
Verify 6, 7
Connectors 5, 16
Type 11
Aux. 2, 5, 6, 7, 17
Auxiliary 1
Control 4
Fault 1, 2, 6, 7
Fire 1, 2, 4, 6, 7
Fire Following 6
Latching 6
Detector Module 7
Normally Closed 2
Normally Open 2
Verify 4, 5, 6, 7, 17
Fault 5
Auxiliary 1, 6
Lens Test 1, 8
Relay 1, 2, 6, 7
Field-of-View 1, 3
Fire 5
Seal Off 7
Sensitivity 3
Field-of-View 1
Range 3, 15
Sensor 3
Square of the distance rule 3
Configuration 3, 4, 15
Sensitivity 3, 15
SW8, SW9 4
Relay 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 16
Testing 8
Verify 1
Fire Following 2, 4, 6
Fire Probability 2
Housing 1, 7
Verify Control 4, 15
Infrared 3
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Model 3100 Series Flame Detector (11/04)
Instruction Manual
Testing 8
Ultraviolet 3
Verified Fire 2, 4, 5, 6
Control 4
Relay 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 15
Verify Control 6, 15
Versions 2
Visible 3
Wiring 7
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Model 3100 Series Flame Detector (11/04)
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