Operating Instructions
Adding Paper, Toner and Staples
Clearing Misfeeds
Read this manual carefully before you use this machine and keep it handy for future reference. For safe and correct use, be sure to read the
Safety Information in "About This Machine" before using the machine.
Manuals for This Machine
Refer to the manuals that are relevant to what you want to do with the machine.
Manuals for machines with copier function only or with the DDST Unit are dif-
ferent. See “Manuals for Machines with Copier Function Only or with the DDST
❒ Media differ according to manual.
❒ The printed and electronic versions of a manual have the same contents.
❒ Adobe Acrobat Reader/Adobe Reader must be installed in order to view the
manuals as PDF files.
❒ Depending on which country you are in, there may also be html manuals. To
view these manuals, a Web browser must be installed.
❖ About This Machine
Be sure to read the Safety Information in this manual before using the machine.
This manual provides an introduction to the functions of the machine. It also
explains the control panel, preparation procedures for using the machine,
how to enter text, and how to install the CD-ROMs provided.
❖ General Settings Guide
Explains User Tools settings, and Address Book procedures such as register-
ing fax numbers, e-mail addresses, and user codes. Also refer to this manual
for explanations on how to connect the machine.
❖ Troubleshooting
Provides a guide to solving common problems, and explains how to replace
paper, toner, and other consumables.
❖ Security Reference
This manual is for administrators of the machine. It explains security func-
tions that you can use to prevent unauthorized use of the machine, data tam-
pering, or information leakage.
For enhanced security, we recommend the following settings.
• Install the Server Certificate.
• Enable SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) Encryption.
• Change the user name and password of the administrator using Web Im-
age Monitor.
For details, see “Setting Up the Machine”, Security Reference.
Be sure to read this manual when setting the enhanced security functions, or
user and administrator authentication.
❖ Copy Reference
Explains Copier functions and operations. Also refer to this manual for expla-
nations on how to place originals.
❖ Facsimile Reference
Explains Facsimile functions and operations.
❖ Printer Reference
Explains Printer functions and operations.
❖ Scanner Reference
Explains Scanner functions and operations.
❖ Network Guide
Explains how to configure and operate the machine in a network environ-
ment, and use the software provided.
This manual covers all models, and includes descriptions of functions and
settings that might not be available on this machine. Images, illustrations, and
information about operating systems that are supported might also differ
slightly from those of this machine.
❖ Other manuals
• Quick Reference Copy Guide
• Quick Reference Fax Guide
• Quick Reference Printer Guide
• Quick Reference Scanner Guide
• PostScript 3 Supplement
• UNIX Supplement
• Manuals for DeskTopBinder Lite
• DeskTopBinder Lite Setup Guide
• DeskTopBinder Introduction Guide
• Auto Document Link Guide
❒ Manuals provided are specific to machine types.
❒ For “UNIX Supplement”, please visit our Web site or consult an authorized
p.iii “Manuals for Machines with Copier Function Only or with the DDST
Manuals for Machines with Copier Function Only or with the
This section describes the manuals for machines with copier function only or
with the DDST Unit.
❖ About This Machine
Be sure to read the Safety Information in this manual before using the machine.
This manual provides an introduction to the functions of the machine. It also
explains the control panel, preparation procedures for using the machine, and
how to install the CD-ROMs provided.
❖ General Settings Guide
Explains User Tools settings, and how to register user codes. Also refer to this
manual for explanations on how to connect the machine.
❖ Troubleshooting
Provides a guide to solving common problems, and explains how to replace
paper, toner, and other consumables.
❖ Copy Reference
Explains Copier functions and operations. Also refer to this manual for expla-
nations on how to place originals.
❖ Printer/Scanner Reference
Explains system settings, functions and operations for the machine's print-
er/scanner unit.
❖ Network Guide
Explains how to configure and operate the machine in a network environ-
ment, and use the software provided.
❖ Other manuals
• Quick Reference Copy Guide
• Quick Reference Printer/Scanner Guide
❒ Some manuals include descriptions of functions and settings that are not
available on machines with copier function only or with the DDST Unit.
Manuals for This Machine......................................................................................i
Manuals for Machines with Copier Function Only or with the DDST Unit................. iii
How to Read This Manual .....................................................................................1
Symbols .....................................................................................................................1
Names of Major Options ............................................................................................1
Panel Tone..............................................................................................................4
When a Job Is Not Performed...............................................................................9
When a Message Is Displayed............................................................................11
When Memory Is Full ...............................................................................................19
Adjusting the Volume..........................................................................................21
When a Message Is Displayed............................................................................24
When Memory Is Full ...............................................................................................35
When an Error Report Is Printed ........................................................................36
Error Mail Notification...............................................................................................38
Error Report (E-Mail)................................................................................................38
Server-Generated Error E-mail ................................................................................38
Windows 95/98/Me/2000..........................................................................................39
Windows XP Home Edition ......................................................................................40
Windows Vista..........................................................................................................41
When a Message Is Displayed............................................................................42
Status Messages......................................................................................................42
Alert Messages ........................................................................................................43
Printing the Error Log...............................................................................................45
When You Cannot Print.......................................................................................46
Other Printing Problems .....................................................................................49
When the TWAIN Driver Cannot Be Started............................................................58
Operations Are Not Possible When Messages Appear ...........................................59
When a Message Is Displayed............................................................................60
The Printer Function............................................................................................69
When a Message Is Displayed.................................................................................71
When You Cannot Print ...........................................................................................75
Other Printing Problems...........................................................................................77
The Scanner Function .........................................................................................82
When Scanning Is Not Done As Expected...............................................................82
When a Message Is Displayed.................................................................................83
Loading Paper......................................................................................................87
Loading Paper into the Paper Trays ........................................................................88
Orientation-Fixed Paper or Two-Sided Paper..........................................................89
Changing the Paper Size.....................................................................................92
Changing the Paper Size in the Paper Tray.............................................................93
Adding Toner........................................................................................................97
Replacing Toner.......................................................................................................98
Waste Toner.............................................................................................................99
Adding Staples...................................................................................................100
Finisher ..................................................................................................................100
Removing Jammed Paper.................................................................................103
When A Is Displayed..............................................................................................104
When B Is Displayed..............................................................................................104
When C Is Displayed..............................................................................................104
When P Is Displayed..............................................................................................105
When Y Is Displayed..............................................................................................105
When Z Is Displayed..............................................................................................106
When R Is Displayed (When Finisher Is Installed).................................................106
When D Is Displayed (When Bridge Unit Is Installed)............................................107
Removing Jammed Staples ..............................................................................108
Finisher ..................................................................................................................108
9. Remarks
Where to Put Your Machine ..............................................................................109
Machine Environment ............................................................................................109
Power Connection..................................................................................................111
Access to the Machine...........................................................................................112
When Not Used for a Long Time............................................................................112
Maintaining Your Machine ................................................................................113
Cleaning the Exposure Glass.................................................................................113
Cleaning the Exposure Glass Cover......................................................................114
Cleaning the ARDF ................................................................................................114
INDEX....................................................................................................... 115
How to Read This Manual
This manual uses the following symbols:
Indicates important safety notes.
Ignoring these notes could result in serious injury or death. Be sure to read these
notes. They can be found in the “Safety Information” section of About This Machine.
Indicates important safety notes.
Ignoring these notes could result in moderate or minor injury, or damage to the
machine or to property. Be sure to read these notes. They can be found in the
“Safety Information” section of About This Machine.
Indicates points to pay attention to when using the machine, and explanations
of likely causes of paper misfeeds, damage to originals, or loss of data. Be sure
to read these explanations.
Indicates supplementary explanations of the machine’s functions, and instruc-
tions on resolving user errors.
This symbol is located at the end of sections. It indicates where you can find fur-
ther relevant information.
[ ]
Indicates the names of keys that appear on the machine’s display panel.
{ }
Indicates the names of keys on the machine’s control panel.
Names of Major Options
Major options of this machine are referred to as follows in this manual:
• Auto Document Feeder capable of scanning both sides of a sheet → ARDF
• Finisher SR3010 → Finisher
• Bridge Unit BU3010 → Bridge unit
1. When the Machine Does
Not Operate As Wanted
This section describes basic troubleshooting procedures that are applicable to all
functions of this machine.
This section explains the indicators that light up when the machine requires the
h: Error indicator
Appears when there is a misfeed, a cover is left open, or
another problem occurs. See p.103 “Clearing Misfeeds”.
B: Load Paper indicator
D: Add Toner indicator
Appears when paper-out condition occurs. See p.87
“Loading Paper”.
Appears when toner runs out. See p.97 “Adding Toner”.
When the Machine Does Not Operate As Wanted
Panel Tone
The following table explains the various beep patterns that the machine produces
to alert users about machine conditions.
Beep pattern
Two long beeps.
Machine has warmed
After cooling or being switched on, the
machine has fully warmed up and is
ready for use.
Single short beep.
A valid operation is
A control panel key was pressed, the
machine was switched on, or a docu-
ment was placed on the ARDF.
Fiveshortbeepsrepeated Strong alert.
five times.
Machine requires user attention. Paper
might have jammed or toner might need
❒ Users cannot mute the machine's beep alerts. When the machine beeps to alert
users of a paper jam or toner request, if the machine's covers are opened and
closed repeatedly within a short period of time, the beep alert might continue,
even after normal status has resumed.
❒ For details about enabling or disabling beep alerts, see “General Features”,
General Settings Guide.
“General Features”, General Settings Guide
When the Function Status Indicator Lights Up in Red
When the Function Status Indicator Lights
Up in Red
sponding function, and then follow the message that appears.
Documents and reports There is no copy paper left.
are not printed out.
Add paper. See p.87 “Loading Pa-
An error has occurred. The function whose indicator is lit Record the code number shown
is defective.
on the display and contact your
service representative. See
“When a Message Is Displayed”
of each chapter. You can use other
functions normally.
The machine is unable to A network error has occurred.
connect to the network.
Check the displayed message
and take an appropriate ac-
tion. See “When a Message Is
Displayed” of each chapter.
Check that the machine is cor-
rectly connected to the net-
work, and that the machine is
correctly set. See “Network
Settings”, General Settings
Contact the administrator.
When the function key is still
lit in red, even if you take the
measures above, contact your
service representative.
❒ If an error occurs in the function you are using, check the message that ap-
pears on the display panel, and then refer to “When a Message Is Displayed”
for the relevant function.
When the Machine Does Not Operate As Wanted
When You Have Problems Operating the
The following chart gives explanations of common problems and messages.
If other messages appear, follow the instructions displayed.
This message appears when you If the machine does not get start-
“Please wait...”
turn on the operation switch or
change the toner bottle.
ed within 2 minutes, contact your
service representative.
If the machine has not been in use Wait for the machine to get ready.
for a long time, it may take longer
than normal to print or start up
“Please wait...”
when switched on.
Although the copier
screen appears when
the machine is turned
on using the main
power switch, it cannot
be switched to another
screen by pressing the
{Facsimile} or {Scan-
ner} key.
Functions other than the copier
function are not yet ready.
Wait a little longer.
The machine has just
Functions other than the copier
Wait a little longer.
been turned on and the function are not yet ready. Time
User Tools screen is required varies by function.
displayed, but the User Functions appear in the User
Tools menu has items
Tools menu when they become
ready for use.
The display is difficult Display contrast is not adjusted. Adjust the display's contrast so
to see.
that you can see the display panel
properly. See “General Features”,
General Settings Guide.
The display is off.
The display is off.
The machine is in Energy Saver
Turn on the operation switch.
The operation switch is turned
Turn on the operation switch.
Nothing happens
when the operation
switch is turned on.
The main power switch is turned Turn on the main power switch.
The operation switch
indicator continues
The machine is communicating
with external equipment.
Check if the machine is communi-
cating with external equipment.
blinking and does not
turn off when pressed.
When You Have Problems Operating the Machine
You may have loaded the paper
Original images are
printed on the reverse incorrectly.
side of the paper.
into Tray 1-4 with the print side
up, and into the bypass tray with
the print side down. See p.89
Two-Sided Paper”.
See p.92 “Changing the Paper
Misfeeds occur frequently. The tray's end fence may not be
set properly.
Check the end fence is set proper-
ly. See p.92 “Changing the Paper
Misfeeds occur frequently. You may have loaded paper of a Use Tray Paper Settings to set the
tings with User Tools.
An error message re-
mains, even if misfed
paper is removed.
When a misfeed message ap-
pears, it remains until you open
and close the cover as required.
Clear misfed paper, and then
open and close the cover. See
p.103 “Removing Jammed Pa-
Paper is still jammed in the tray.
Cannot print in duplex You cannot use paper in the by-
mode. pass tray for duplex printing.
For duplex printing, select Tray 1-
4 in the copier mode or with the
printer driver.
Cannot print in duplex You have selected a tray that is set Select a paper tray in [Tray Paper
to [Off] for duplex printing in [Tray Settings] under [System Settings],
Paper Settings] under [System Set- and then press [OK]. Then, select
[No Display (Plain Paper)] or [Recy-
cled Paper] for Paper Type, press
[Duplex], and then select [On]. See
“Tray Paper Settings”, General
Settings Guide.
The user code entry
screen is displayed.
Users are restricted by user man- Enter the user code (up to eight
digits), and then press the {OK} or
{q} key.
The Authentication
screen appears.
Basic Authentication, Windows
Authentication, LDAP Authenti- user password. See “When the
cation or Integration Server Au-
Enter your login user name and
Authentication Screen is Dis-
thentication is set.
The temperature inside the ma-
chine is too high or too low.
Locate the machine in an environ-
ment where the temperature re-
mains between 10 and 32 °C. See
p.109 “Where to Put Your Ma-
Alert. Turn
main power off,
adjust room
temp. and wait a
while before
restarting.” ap-
pears, and printing is
When the Machine Does Not Operate As Wanted
The use of the function is restrict- Contact the administrator.
ed to authenticated users only.
“Privileges are
required to use
this function.”
The entered login user name or
password is not correct.
Ask the administrator for the correct
login user name and password.
tion failed.” ap-
Cannot access the authentication Contact the administrator.
server when using Windows Au-
thentication, LDAP Authentica-
tion, or Integration Server
tion failed.” ap-
❒ If you cannot make copies as you want because of paper type, paper size, or
paper capacity problems, use recommended paper. See “Copy Paper”, About
This Machine.
“Copy Paper”, About This Machine
When a Job Is Not Performed
When a Job Is Not Performed
If you cannot execute a function, it may be that the machine is being held up by
another function.
If you cannot execute a function, terminate any other functions currently active,
and then try executing the function again. In some cases, you can carry out an-
other job (copier, facsimile, printer, or scanner) without canceling the current job
being performed. Performing multiple functions simultaneously like this is
called “Multi-accessing”.
❖ Combination Chart
The chart shows function compatibility when print priority is set to “Inter-
leave”. See “General Features”, General Settings Guide.
Mode after you select Copy
Transmission Reception
Mode before you
Using the control panel
Transmission Operation
for Memory
Memory Reception
Received Data
When the Machine Does Not Operate As Wanted
Mode after you select Copy
Transmission Reception
Mode before you
Receive Data
Using the control
... means that these functions can be used together.
... means that you can interrupt the current job with the function keys to
proceed to a subsequent job.
... means that another job will automatically start after the current job is finished.
×... means that you must manually start another job after the current job is fin-
ished (i.e., these functions cannot be used together).
You can scan a document once the preceding job documents are all scanned.
During parallel reception, any subsequent job is suspended until reception is
❒ Stapling cannot be used at the same time for multiple functions.
You can specify the output tray where documents are delivered. For details about how to
specify the output tray for each function, see “General Features”, General Settings Guide.
❒ If the machine is capable of executing multiple functions simultaneously,
specify which function should have priority in “Print Priority”. This setting is
factory-preset to “Display mode”. For setting of Printing Priority function,
see “General Features”, General Settings Guide.
❒ While printing is in progress, scanning a document using another function
may take longer than usual.
“General Features”, General Settings Guide
2. Troubleshooting When
Using the Copy Function
This chapter describes likely causes of and possible solutions for copier function
When a Message Is Displayed
The following chart contains explanations for common messages. If other mes-
sages appear, follow the instructions as they are displayed.
❒ For messages not listed here, see “When You Have Problems Operating the
Improper original is placed.
Select paper manually, not with
the Auto Paper Select function,
and do not use the Auto Re-
duce/Enlarge function.
Cannot detect origi-
nal size
See “Auto Reduce/Enlarge”
Copy Reference.
Improper original is placed.
Improper original is placed.
The specified paper size is not
Input the both horizontal and
vertical sizes of the non-stand-
ard original.
Cannot detect origi-
nal size
Place the original on the expo-
sure glass. See “Placing Origi-
nals”, Copy Reference.
Cannot detect origi-
nal size
Use copy paper that is not
Cannot sort this
available with the Sort function. longer than 432 mm (17.0").
The specified function is not Select a paper tray other than
available with the bypass tray. the bypass tray.
Cannot select Bypass
Tray in current set-
The specified custom length is Do not place originals that are
not available for duplex print- longer than 432 mm (17.0").
ing from the ARDF (e.g., 2 Sid-
Original with this
length cannot be du-
plex scanned.
ed → 2 Sided, 2 Sided → 1
Sided, 2 Sided→ Combine).
Original is not placed in the
proper orientation.
Change the orientation of the
Check original ori-
Improper paper size is set.
If you press the {Start} key,
copy will start onto the select-
ed paper.
Check paper size.
Blank areas appear. Original
orientation and paper mis-
matches occur when image ro-
tation is unavailable.
Change the orientation of the
Blank part will ap-
Troubleshooting When Using the Copy Function
The entire image cannot be
fully copied using the current setting.
[Auto R/E] setting.
Make an alternative [Auto R/E]
Image not fully cop-
A paper size for which Rotate Select the proper paper size
Sort is not available is selected. for the Rotate Sort function.
See “Supplementary Informa-
Rotate Sort is una-
vailable with this
paper size.
tion”, Copy Reference.
Duplex mode does not sup-
port the selected paper size.
Select the proper paper size
for the Duplex function. See
“Supplementary Informa-
tion”, Copy Reference.
Cannot dup. copy
this size.
A paper type not available
with the Duplex function has ble for the Duplex function.
been selected.
The thick paper is not availa-
Cannot dup. with
this tray.
Specify another paper type.
The number of copies exceeds You can change the maximum
Max. number of sets
is nn.
maximum copy quantity.
copy quantity. See “User
Tools Menu (Copier Fea-
tures)”, Copy Reference.
(A figure is placed at n.)
A paper type not available
with the staple function has
been selected.
The thick paper is not availa-
ble for the staple function.
Specify another paper type.
Cannot Staple Thick
The number of copies exceeds Check the stapler capacity.
Staple range exceed-
the capacity of the stapler.
See “Supplementary Informa-
tion”, Copy Reference.
The selected position cannot be Select the proper position or
stapled. Originalorientation and original orientation. See “Sta-
This position cannot
be stapled.
paper mismatches occur when
ple” and “Supplementary In-
image rotation is unavailable.
formation”, Copy Reference.
The scanner function is in use. Cancel the current scan job. To
do this, press the {Clear/Stop}
key on the scanner screen to
display the message
Cannot copy. Origi-
nal is being scanned
by another function.
“Clear/Stop key was
pressed. Stop scan-
ning?”, and then press
The use of this function is re- Contact the administrator.
stricted to authentified users
Privileges are re-
quired to use this
The entered login user name
or password is not correct.
Ask the administrator for the cor-
rect login user name and password.
Cannot access the authentica- Contact the administrator.
tion server when using Win-
dows Authentication, LDAP
Authentication, or Integration
Server Authentication.
When a Message Is Displayed
p.6 “When You Have Problems Operating the Machine”
Troubleshooting When Using the Copy Function
When You Cannot Make Clear Copies
This section describes likely causes of and possible solutions for unclear copies.
Copies appear dirty.
Image density is too dark.
Adjust the image density set-
tings. See “Adjusting Image
Density”, Copy Reference.
Copies contain blots or are
and level surface.
Make sure the machine's envi-
ronment meets requirements.
See p.109 “Where to Put Your
Copies contain blots or are
The paper is creased, curled,
or has blemishes.
Smooth out the wrinkles from
the paper, or replace it. See
“Copy Paper”, About This
If paper comes out curled, ad-
just the output Tray. See
“Originals”, Copy Reference.
Copies contain blots or are
Image density is too light.
The paper is damp.
Adjust the image density set-
tings. See “Adjusting Image
Density”, Copy Reference.
Copies contain blots or are
Use paper that has been
stored in the recommended
temperature and humidity
condition. See “Copy Paper”,
About This Machine.
Copies are too dark or too
The correct paper type set-
tings are not made.
Check the paper loaded on the
paper tray or bypass tray
matches the paper type set on
the display panel. See “Copy
Paper”, About This Machine.
Copies are too dark or too
The image was not printed on Before printing on special pa-
a suitable surface.
per, check its surface careful-
ly. Printing on non-print
surfaces reduces print quality
and can damage the machine's
internal components. See
“Copy Paper”, About This
Copies are dirty.
Use of non-recommended
toner can result in loss of print toner. Contact your service
Use manufacturer-genuine
quality and other problems.
The reverse side of an original Image density is too dark.
image is copied.
Adjust the image density set-
tings. See “Adjusting Image
Density”, Copy Reference.
When You Cannot Make Clear Copies
A shadow appears on copies if Image density is too dark.
you use pasted originals.
Adjust the image density set-
tings. See “Adjusting Image
Density”, Copy Reference.
Change the orientation of the
Put mending tape over the
pasted areas.
The same copy area is dirty
whenever making copies.
The exposure glass or ARDF is Clean them. See p.113 “Main-
taining Your Machine”.
Copies are too light.
Image density is too light.
Adjust the image density set-
tings. See “Adjusting Image
Density”, Copy Reference.
Copies are too light.
The paper is damp or rough. Use the recommended paper.
Also, use paper that has been
stored in the recommended
conditions. See “Copy Paper”,
About This Machine.
Copies are too light.
The toner bottle is almost
Add toner. See p.97 “Adding
Parts of the paper are not copied. The original is not placed correctly. Place originals correctly. See “Plac-
Parts of the paper are not copied. The correct paper size is not
Select the proper paper size.
White lines appear.
The exposure glass or scan-
ning glass is dirty.
Clean them. See p.113 “Main-
taining Your Machine”.
Copies are blank.
The original is not placed correctly. When using the exposure glass,
place originals face down.
When using the ARDF, place
them face up. See “Placing
Originals”, Copy Reference.
A moiré pattern is produced
on copies.
Your original has a dot pat-
tern image or many lines.
Place the original on the expo-
sure glass at a slight angle.
Troubleshooting When Using the Copy Function
Black spots appear on the
Because of high humidity, the Place the print on the expo-
copy of a photographic print. photographic print has stuck sure glass in either of the fol-
to the exposure glass. lowing ways:
Place an OHP transparency
on the exposure glass, and
then place the print on top
of the OHP transparency.
Place the print on the ex-
posure glass, and then
place two or three sheets of
white paper on top of it.
Leave the exposure glass
cover or ARDF open when
When You Cannot Make Copies As Wanted
When You Cannot Make Copies As
This section describes causes and remedies when copy results are not as expected.
❖ Basic
Misfeeds occur frequently.
The number of sheets loaded Load paper only as high as the
exceeds the capacity of the
upper limit markings on the
side fences of the paper tray or
bypass tray. See p.87 “Load-
ing Paper”.
Misfeeds occur frequently.
The paper is damp.
Use paper that has been
stored in the recommended
temperature and humidity
condition. See “Copy Paper”,
About This Machine.
Misfeeds occur frequently.
Misfeeds occur frequently.
The paper is too thick or too
Use recommended paper. See
“Copy Paper”, About This
The copy paper is wrinkled or Use recommended paper. Use
has been folded/creased.
paper that has been stored in
the recommended tempera-
ture and humidity condition.
See “Copy Paper”, About This
Misfeeds occur frequently.
Printed paper is used.
Use recommended paper. Do
not reuse copy paper that has
been already copied or print-
ed onto. See “Copy Paper”,
About This Machine.
Copy paper becomes creased. The paper is damp.
Copy paper becomes creased. The paper is too thin.
Use paper that has been
stored in the recommended
temperature and humidity
condition. See “Copy Paper”,
About This Machine.
Use recommended paper. See
“Copy Paper”, About This
You cannot combine several
Selected functions cannot be
used together.
Check the combination of
Chart”, Copy Reference.
Copies are not stapled.
There are jammed staples in
the stapler.
Remove jammed staples. See
p.108 “Removing Jammed
Troubleshooting When Using the Copy Function
Copies are not stapled.
The number of copies exceeds Check the stapler capacity.
the capacity of the stapler.
Copy paper is curled.
See “Supplementary Informa-
tion”, Copy Reference.
Copies are not stapled.
Turn the copy paper over in
the tray.
place the originals. See “Sta-
ple”, Copy Reference.
Print is slanted.
Print is slanted.
The paper is feeding in at a
Load the paper correctly. See
p.87 “Loading Paper”.
right covers are properly
Print is slanted.
The side fences in the paper
tray is not locked.
Make sure the side fence is
locked. See p.92 “Changing
the Paper Size”.
❖ Edit
When using the Duplex Mar- You set a wide erased margin. Set a narrower margin with User
gin function, parts of the orig-
inal image are not copied.
Tools. You can set the width be-
tween 0-50 mm (0"-2"). See “Copier
Features”, General Settings Guide.
When using the Duplex Mar- There is a lack of margin space Set a narrower margin with User
gin function, parts of the orig- on the opposite side of the
Tools. You can set the width be-
tween 0-50 mm (0"-2"). See “Copier
Features”, General Settings Guide.
inal image are not copied.
binding position.
❖ Combine
When using Combine, parts of You specified a reproduction When you specify a reproduc-
the image are not copied. ratio that does not match the tion ratio using the Manual
sizes of your originals and
copy paper.
Paper Select function, make
sure the ratio matches your
originals and the copy paper.
Select the correct reproduction ratio
before using the Combine function.
When using Combine, parts of Your originals are not identi- Use originals that are identical
the image are not copied. cal in size and direction. in size and direction.
Copies are not in correct order. You placed the originals in the When placing a stack of origi-
incorrect order.
nals in the ARDF, the last page
should be on the bottom.
If you place an original on the
exposure glass, start with the
first page to be copied.
When You Cannot Make Copies As Wanted
❖ Duplex
Cannot print in duplex mode. You may have loaded paper
on the bypass tray.
Remove paper loaded on the
bypass Tray. Load paper in
Tray 1 - 4.
Cannot print in duplex mode. You have loaded paper ex-
ceeding 90 g/m2.
Change the paper.
Cannot print in duplex mode. You have selected a Tray 2 that Select another paper type, or
is set to [Thick Paper]for duplex another paper tray. See “Tray
printing in [Tray Paper Settings] Paper Settings”, General Set-
under [System Settings]
tings Guide.
Copies are not in duplex order. You placed the originals in the When setting a stack of origi-
incorrect order.
nals in the ARDF, the last page
should be on the bottom.
If you set an original on the ex-
posure glass, start with the
first page to be copied.
When using Duplex, copy is
made Top to Bottom even
though [Top to Top] is selected.
You placed the originals in the Place the originals in the cor-
wrong orientation.
rect orientation. See “Original
Orientation”, Copy Reference.
When using Duplex, copy is
You placed the originals in the Place the originals in the cor-
made Top to Top even though wrong orientation.
[Top to Bottom] is selected.
rect orientation. See “Original
Orientation”, Copy Reference.
Parts of the original image are The margin is too wide.
not copied.
Set a narrower margin with
User Tools. You can adjust it
between 0-50 mm (0"-2"). See
“User Tools Menu (Copier
Features)”, Copy Reference.
Parts of the original image are There is a lack of margin space Set a narrower margin with
not copied.
on the opposite side of the
binding position.
User Tools. You can adjust it
between 0-50 mm (0"-2"). See
“User Tools Menu (Copier
Features)”, Copy Reference.
When Memory Is Full
The machine checks if the re- To continue copying, remove
Reset nn orig., then
press [Resume] to
scan and copy the re-
maining originals.
maining originals should be
copied, after the scanned orig- [Resume]. To stop copying,
inal has been printed. press [Stop].
all copies, and then press
[Stop] [Resume]
(A figure is placed at n.)
Troubleshooting When Using the Copy Function
3. Troubleshooting When
Using the Facsimile Function
This chapter describes likely causes of and possible solutions for facsimile func-
tion problems.
Adjusting the Volume
The following describes how to adjust the volume.
You can change the volume of the following sounds that the machine makes.
❖ On Hook Mode
Heard when the {On Hook Dial} key is pressed.
❖ At Transmission
Heard when immediate transmission is performed.
❖ At Reception
Heard when the machine receives a document.
❖ At Dialing
Heard after pressing the {Start} key, until the line connects to the destination.
❖ At Printing
Heard when a received document is printed.
A Press the {User Tools/Counter} key.
B Select [Fax Features] using {U} or {T}, and then press the {OK} key.
Troubleshooting When Using the Facsimile Function
C Select [General Settings/Adjust] using {U} or {T}, and then press the {OK} key.
D Select [Adjust Sound Volume] using {U} or {T}, and then press the {OK} key.
E Select the item you want to adjust using {U} or {T}, and then press the
{OK} key.
F Select the volume using {W} or {V}, and then press the {OK} key.
Press the {Escape} key to cancel the setting. The display returns to that of step
G Press the {User Tools/Counter} key.
The standby display appears.
Adjusting the Volume
❒ You can also adjust the On Hook volume when you press the {On Hook Di-
al} key. See “On Hook Dial”, Facsimile Reference.
❒ If the Extended Security function prevents you from changing this setting,
contact the administrator.
❒ You can set the volume level to between 0 and 7.
“On Hook Dial”, Facsimile Reference
Troubleshooting When Using the Facsimile Function
When a Message Is Displayed
This section describes the machine's main messages. If other messages appear,
follow their instructions.
A document jam occurred during Press [Exit], and then resend the
Error occurred,
and trans. was
Immediate Transmission. There
may be a problem with the ma-
chine or the telephone line (for ex-
ample, noise or cross talk).
pages that have not been sent.
If the error reoccurs frequently,
contact your service representative.
Original jammed during Memory Place originals that have not been
Put original
back, check it
and press Start
scanned on the exposure glass or
ARDF again.
The machine failed to detect the
size of the original.
Place original again, and then
press the {Start} key.
Cannot detect
original size.
Place original
again, then
press Start key.
There is a problem with the fax.
Record the code number shown
on the display and contact your
service representative.
LFunc. Problems
Data will be in-
Other functions can be used.
The machine is scanning an origi- Before sending the fax, cancel the
Cannot send fax
as scanner is in
use by another
nal under another function.
current scan job under another
function. To do this, press the
{Clear/Stop} key on the control
panel to display the message
“Clear/Stop key was
pressed. Stop scan-
ning?”, and then press [Stop].
The destination list is being up-
dated from the network using
SmartDeviceMonitor for Admin er while this message is
Wait until the message disap-
pears. Do not switch off the pow-
Updating the
settings... Re-
or Web Image Monitor.
tions after up-
date finishes.
The destination list is being up-
dated from the network using
SmartDeviceMonitor for Admin er while this message is
Wait until the message disap-
pears. Do not switch off the pow-
Updating desti-
nation list. Re-
or Web Image Monitor.
displayed. Depending on the
number of destinations to be up-
dated, there may be some delay
before you can resume operation.
Operations are not possible while
this message is displayed.
When a Message Is Displayed
The use of this function is restrict- Contact the administrator.
ed to authentified users only.
You do not have
privileges to
use this func-
The entered login user name or
password is incorrect.
Confirm correct login user name
or password.
Authentication is not possible
from this machine.
Contact the administrator.
A network error has occurred and Try the operation once more. If
Connection with
LDAP server has
failed. Check
the server sta-
connection has failed.
the message is still shown, the
network may be crowded. Check
the information of [System Set-
tings]. See “Administrator Tools”,
General Settings Guide.
The entered user name or pass-
word does not match that speci- user name and the password for
fied for LDAP server
Make settings correctly for the
LDAP server
auth. has
failed. Check
the settings.
LDAP server authentication.
The number of search results has Search again after changing the
exceeded the maximum number search conditions.
of items that can be displayed.
Exceeded max.
results which
can be dis-
played. Max.:
(A figure is placed at n.)
A network error has occurred and Try the operation once more. If
LDAP server
connection has failed.
the message is still shown, the
network may be crowded. Check
the information of [System Set-
tings]. See “Administrator Tools”,
General Settings Guide.
search timed
out. Check the
server status.
Thespecified groupcontainssome Press [Select] for the message dis-
fax destinations, e-mail destina- played on the screen for each
tions, and/or folder destinations. transmission.
Specified group
contains some
you want to se-
lect only valid
The sender has not been specified. A sender's name should be speci-
fied before sending e-mail. Send
Sender has not
been specified.
e-mail after specifying the send-
er's name.
Troubleshooting When Using the Facsimile Function
The alias telephone number you
entered is already registered on
the gatekeeper by another device.
Check the alias telephone
number is correctly pro-
grammed using the Web Im-
age Monitor. See the Web
Image Monitor's Help.
Check whether
there are any
network prob-
Contact your network admin-
Cannot access gatekeeper.
Use your Web Image Monitor
to check the gatekeeper ad-
dress is correctly pro-
grammed. See the Web Image
Monitor's Help.
Check whether
there are any
network prob-
Contact your network admin-
Registering of user name is reject-
ed by the SIP server.
Use your Web Image Monitor
to check the SIP server ad-
dress and user name are cor-
rectly programmed. See the
Web Image Monitor's Help.
Check whether
there are any
network prob-
Contact your network admin-
Cannot access the SIP server.
Use your Web Image Monitor
to check the SIP server ad-
dress is correctly pro-
grammed. See the Web Image
Monitor's Help.
Check whether
there are any
network prob-
Contact your network admin-
When a Message Is Displayed
Cannot find the DNS server, SMTP
server or folder for forwarding.
Check that the DNS server
IPv4 address is correctly pro-
grammed using Web Image
Monitor. See the Web Image
Monitor's Help.
Check whether
there are any
network prob-
Check that the host name or
IPv4 address of the SMTP
server is correctly pro-
grammed using Web Image
Monitor. See the Web Image
Monitor's Help.
Check that the SMTP server is
correctly programmed using
Web Image Monitor. See the
Web Image Monitor's Help.
Check that the folder for
transfer is correctly specified.
Check that the computer in
which the folder for transfer is
specified is operating correctly.
Check that the LAN cable is cor-
rectly connected to the machine.
Check thenetworkconnection
and radio wave status.
Contact your network admin-
istrator of the destinations
without going through the
SMTP server.
Contact your network admin-
Troubleshooting When Using the Facsimile Function
E-mail transmission was refused
by SMTP authentication, POP be-
fore SMTP authentication or login
authentication of the computer in
which the folder for forwarding is
Check that the user name and
password for SMTP authenti-
cation or POP before SMTP
authentication are correctly
programmed from [File Trans-
fer] under [System Settings].
See “File Transfer”, General
Settings Guide. You can also
use the Web Image Monitor
for confirmation. See the Web
Image Monitor's Help.
Check whether
there are any
network prob-
Check that the user name and
password of the E-mail Ac-
count are correctly pro-
grammed from [File Transfer]
under [System Settings]. See
“File Transfer”, General Set-
tings Guide. You can also use
the Web Image Monitor for
confirmation. See the Web Im-
age Monitor's Help.
Check that the user ID and
password for the computer in
which the folder for forward-
ing is specified are correctly
Check that the folder for for-
warding is correctly specified.
Check that the computer in
which the folder for forwarding
is specified is correctly operated.
Contact the administrator.
Neither the machine's e-mail ad-
dress nor the administrator's e-
mail address is programmed.
Check that the machine's e-
mail address is correctly pro-
grammed from [File Transfer]
under [System Settings]. See
“File Transfer”, General Set-
tings Guide. You can also use
the Web Image Monitor for
confirmation. See the Web Im-
age Monitor's Help.
Check whether
there are any
network prob-
Contact the administrator.
No POP3/IMAP4 server address
is programmed.
Check that the host name or
IPv4 address of the
POP3/IMAP4 server is cor-
rectly programmed using the
Web Image Monitor. See the
Web Image Monitor's Help.
Check whether
there are any
network prob-
Contact the administrator.
When a Message Is Displayed
Cannot log on to the
POP3/IMAP4 server.
Check that the user name and
password of the E-mail Ac-
count are correctly pro-
grammed from [File Transfer]
under [System Settings]. See
“File Transfer”, General Set-
tings Guide. You can also use
the Web Image Monitor for
confirmation. See the Web Im-
age Monitor's Help.
Check whether
there are any
network prob-
Contact your network admin-
No machine e-mail address is
Check that the machine's e-
mail address is correctly pro-
grammed from [File Transfer]
under [System Settings]. See
“File Transfer”, General Set-
tings Guide. You can also use
the Web Image Monitor for
confirmation. See the Web Im-
age Monitor's Help.
Check whether
there are any
network prob-
Contact your network admin-
Cannot find the DNS server or
POP3/IMAP4 server.
Check that the DNS server
IPv4 address is correctly pro-
grammed using Web Image
Monitor. See the Web Image
Monitor's Help.
Check whether
there are any
network prob-
Check that the POP3/IMAP4
server is correctly pro-
grammed using Web Image
Monitor. See the Web Image
Monitor's Help.
Check thenetworkconnection
and radio wave status.
Check that the LAN cable is cor-
rectly connected to the machine.
Check that the port number of
the POP3/IMAP4 server is
correctly programmed using
Web Image Monitor. See the
Web Image Monitor's Help.
Check that the reception pro-
tocol is correctly programmed
using Web Image Monitor.
See the Web Image Monitor's
Contact your network admin-
Troubleshooting When Using the Facsimile Function
Cannot log on to the
POP3/IMAP4 server.
Check that the user name and
password of the E-mail Ac-
count are correctly pro-
grammed from [File Transfer]
under [System Settings]. See
“File Transfer”, General Set-
tings Guide. You can also use
the Web Image Monitor for
confirmation. See the Web Im-
age Monitor's Help.
Check whether
there are any
network prob-
Check that the user name and
password for POP before
SMTP authentication are cor-
rectly programmed from [File
Transfer] under [System Set-
tings]. See “File Transfer”,
General Settings Guide. You
can also use the Web Image
Monitor for confirmation. See
the Web Image Monitor's
Contact your network admin-
❒ If “Check whether there are any network problems.” appears, the ma-
chine is not correctly connected to the network or the settings of the machine are
not correct. If you do not need to connect the machine to the network, you can
specify the setting so this message is not displayed, and then the {Facsimile}
key no longer lights. See “Parameter Setting”, General Settings Guide. If you
reconnect the machine to the network, be sure to set “Display” with User Pa-
rameters. Otherwise, you cannot check the status of the network connection.
❒ If the paper tray runs out of paper, “Out of paper. Load following paper.”
appears on the display. Add paper. If there is paper left in the other trays, you
can receive documents as usual, even if the message appears on the display.
You can turn this function on or off with “Parameter Setting”. See “Parameter
Setting”, General Settings Guide.
“Parameter Setting”, General Settings Guide
When You Cannot Send or Receive Fax Messages As Wanted
When You Cannot Send or Receive Fax
Messages As Wanted
This section describes likely causes of and possible solutions for transmission
and reception-related problems.
❖ Transmission/Reception
Both transmission and
reception are impossible. connected.
The modular cable may be dis-
Make sure that the modular cable
is correctly connected. See “Con-
necting the Machine to a Tele-
phone Line and Telephone”,
General Settings Guide.
Both transmission and
The terminal adaptor setting is in- Check the setting.
reception are impossible. correct.
❖ Transmission
The original was placed upside
Document appears
blank at the other end. down.
Place it correctly. See “Placing
Originals”, Facsimile Reference.
Transmission failed
The size of the Internet fax docu- Set [Maximum E-mail Size] under [E-
due to a “maximum e- ment exceeds the maximum e- mail Settings] to [Off], or set the
mail size” error.
mail size specified on the machine. maximum e-mail size to a larger
value. Then, re-send the docu-
ment. See “E-mail Settings”, Gen-
eral Settings Guide.
When using On Hook If the machine fails to detect the
If you use On Hook Dial or Man-
ual Dial frequently, it is recom-
Dial or Manual Dial,
”Receiving” ap-
pears and transmission
is not allowed.
size of the original when the
{Start} key is pressed, it performs mended that you set “Receive
a receiving operation.
documents bypressing the{Start}
key when originals are not set.” to
“Off” in User Parameters. If this is
set to “Off”, when using Manual
Dial, you cannot receive by press-
ing the {Start} key. See “Parame-
ter Setting”, General Settings
LAN-Fax Driver does
not work.
The entered login user name,
password, or driver encryption
key is incorrect.
Check your login user name,
password, or driver encryption
key, and enter them correctly.
Contact the administrator.
LAN-Fax Driver does
not work.
A high security level is set by the Contact the administrator.
extended security function.
Cannot cancel a Memo- The document is being scanned. Press the {Clear/Stop} key. See
ry Transmission.
“Canceling a Transmission”, Fac-
simile Reference.
Troubleshooting When Using the Facsimile Function
Cannot cancel a Memo- The document is being sent or it is Press the {Clear/Stop} key. See
ry Transmission.
in standby.
“Canceling a Transmission”, Fac-
simile Reference.
Cannot cancel an Im-
mediate Transmission.
Press the {Clear/Stop} key. See
“Canceling a Transmission”, Fac-
simile Reference.
Cannot cancel Internet
Fax transmission.
Press the {Clear/Stop} key. See
“Canceling a Transmission”, Fac-
simile Reference.
Canceling Internet Fax transmis-
sion is possible only during scan-
ning. It is impossible during
Although a group spec- The number of specified destina- A maximum of 100 parties can be
ification was set for the tions exceeds the maximum specified for a group. Check if
number that can be specified as a there are over the specified num-
following, reception
was not possible.
bers registered in the address
book. If a group was registered in
another group, transmission is
canceled but an error message
does not appear. See “Registering
Names to a Group”, General Set-
tings Guide.
Forwarding, Forward-
ing of Special Sender,
E-mail TX Result, rout-
ing e-mail received via
❖ Reception
The machine failed to print If this happened when the Re-
Load paper into the paper
received fax documents.
ceive File indicator was lit, the pa-
per or toner might have run out,
making printing impossible.
Add toner.
See “Substitute Reception”, Fac-
simile Reference.
The machine failed to print When the B Load Paper indica- Load paper into the paper tray.
received fax documents.
tor is lit.
See p.87 “Loading Paper”.
Reception is impossi-
ble, but transmission is
The toner has run out.
Replace the toner bottle. See p.98
“Replacing Toner”.
Reception is possible, but The terminal adaptor setting is in- Check the setting.
transmission is impossible. correct.
Transmission is possible,
The terminal adaptor setting is in- Check the setting.
but reception is impossible. correct.
When You Cannot Send or Receive Fax Messages As Wanted
❖ Printing
Print is slanted.
See p.92 “Changing the Paper
Print is slanted.
Print is slanted.
The paper is fed in at a slant.
The machine's cover is open.
Load the paper correctly. See p.87
“Loading Paper”.
Make sure the right and lower
right covers are properly closed.
Misfeeds occur frequently. The number of sheets loaded ex- Load paper only as high as the
ceeds the capacity of the machine. upper limit markings on the side
fences of the paper tray or bypass
tray. See “Copy Paper”, About
This Machine.
Misfeeds occur frequently. The paper is damp.
Use paper that has been stored in
the recommended temperature and
humidity condition. See “Copy Pa-
per”, About This Machine.
Misfeeds occur frequently. The paper is too thick or too thin. Use recommended paper. See
“Copy Paper”, About This Machine.
Misfeeds occur frequently. The copy paper is wrinkled or has Use recommended paper. Use pa-
been folded/creased.
Printed paper is used.
The paper is damp.
The paper is too thin.
per that has been stored in the
recommended temperature and
humidity condition. See “Copy
Paper”, About This Machine.
Copy paper becomes
Use recommended paper. Do not
reuse copy paper that has been al-
ready printed onto. See “Copy
Paper”, About This Machine.
Copy paper becomes
Use paper that has been stored in
the recommended temperature and
humidity condition. See “Copy Pa-
per”, About This Machine.
Copy paper becomes
Use recommended paper. See
“Copy Paper”, About This Machine.
blots or are patchy.
stable and level surface.
Check the environment of loca-
tion to select an appropriate loca-
tion. See p.109 “Where to Put
Your Machine”.
Printed images contain The paper is creased, curled, or
Straighten the paper if curled. Re-
place it if wrinkled or damaged.
See “Copy Paper”, About This
blots or are patchy.
has blemishes.
Troubleshooting When Using the Facsimile Function
The image is too dark
or too light.
The correct paper type settings
are not made.
Check the paper loaded on the
paper tray or bypass tray matches
the paper type set on the display
panel. See “Copy Paper”, About
This Machine.
The image is too dark
or too light.
Using toner bottles not recom-
Use only toner bottles recom-
mended by the supplier or refill- mended by the supplier.
ing the toner bottle may degrade
the print quality or cause a mal-
Backgroundofreceived Image density is too dark.
images appears dirty.
Images from the back of
Adjust the scanning density. See
“Image Density (Contrast)”, Fac-
simile Reference.
the page appear.
Printed or sent images The exposure glass or ARDF is
Clean them. See p.113 “Maintain-
ing Your Machine”.
are spotty.
Received image is too
When using moist, rough, or
processed paper, areas of print
may not be fully reproduced.
Only use recommended paper.
See “Copy Paper”, About This
Received image is too
The paper is damp.
Use paper that has been stored in
the recommended temperature and
humidity condition. See “Copy Pa-
per”, About This Machine.
Received image is too
The image density has been
set too low.
Increase the scanning density.
See “Image Density (Con-
trast)”, Facsimile Reference.
The original of the transmitted
fax was printed on paper that
is too thin.
original on thicker paper and
fax it again.
Received image is too
When the
Add Toner indicator Replace the toner bottle soon. See
is lit, toner is beginning to run out. p.98 “Replacing Toner”.
Other fax machine's
name is not correctly
printed or displayed.
When a destination is pro-
Use ASCII characters (for exam-
ple: a-z, 0- 9).
grammed in the Address Book
using SmartDeviceMonitor for
Admin or Web Image Monitor, in
some languages, the pro-
grammed destination may not be
printed or displayed correctly.
When You Cannot Send or Receive Fax Messages As Wanted
❖ Others
All fax documents
stored in memory have memory if the machine remains
been lost. Those docu-
ments include ones
tion, Memory Lock, and
Substitute Reception.
All fax documents are lost from
If any documents have been lost
for this reason, a Power Failure
Report is automatically printed
when the machine is turned on. If
fax documents stored for Memo-
ry Transmission have been lost,
check the destinations and resend
received through Memory, Mem-
ory Lock or Substitute Reception
have been lost, ask the senders to
resend the documents. See p.37
“Turning Off the Main Power /
In the Event of Power Failure”.
unpowered for approximately
twelve hours or longer.
The following func-
This function is made unavailable Contact the administrator.
tions are not available: by the enhanced security function.
Forwarding, routing e-
mail received via
When Memory Is Full
This section describes likely causes of and possible solutions for problems relat-
ed to full memory.
The memory is full.
If you press [Exit], the machine re-
turns to standby mode and starts
transmitting the stored pages.
Memory is full.
scanned page(s)
will be stored.
Troubleshooting When Using the Facsimile Function
When an Error Report Is Printed
An Error Report is printed if a document cannot be successfully sent or received.
Possible causes include a problem with the machine or noise on the telephone
line. If an error occurs during transmission, resend the original.
If an error occurs during reception, ask the sender to resend the document.
❒ If an error happens frequently, contact your service representative.
❒ The “Page” column gives the total number of pages. The “Page not sent” or
“Page not received” column gives the number of pages not sent or received
❒ You can display a destination with the User Parameters. See “Parameter Set-
ting”, General Settings Guide.
❒ You can display a sender name with the User Parameters. See “Parameter Set-
ting”, General Settings Guide.
“Parameter Setting”, General Settings Guide
Turning Off the Main Power / In the Event of Power Failure
Turning Off the Main Power / In the Event of
Power Failure
This section describes the machine status when the power is turned off or if the
power fails.
• When you disconnect the power plug from the wall outlet, always pull the
plug (not the cable).
❒ Do not turn off the main power switch while the operation switch indicator is
lit or blinking. If you do, the memory may be damaged and failure could result.
❒ Turn off the main power switch before pulling out the plug. If you pull out
the plug with the switch on, the memory may be damaged and failure could
❒ Make sure that 100% is shown on the display before you unplug the machine.
If a lower value is shown, some data is currently present in memory.
❒ Right after a power failure, the internal battery needs to be sufficiently re-
charged to guard against future data loss. Keep the machine plugged in and
the main power switch on for about 5 days after the power loss.
Even if the main power switch is turned off, the contents of the machine memory
(for example, programmed numbers) will not be lost. However, if power is lost
for about twelve hours because the main power switch is turned off, there is a
power cut, or the power cord is removed, contents of the Fax memory are lost.
Lost items will include any fax documents stored in memory using Memory
Transmission/Reception, Memory Lock, or Substitute Reception.
If a file was deleted from memory, a Power Failure Report is automatically print-
ed as soon as the power is restored.
This report can be used to identify lost files. If a document stored for Memory
Transmission was lost, resend it. If a document received by Memory Reception
or Substitute Reception was lost, ask the sender to resend it.
❖ RDS (Remote Diagnostic System)
If the machine has a problem, a service representative can perform various
settings over the telephone line from the service station. If you want to use
this function, change the User Parameter. See “Parameter Setting”, General
Settings Guide.
Troubleshooting When Using the Facsimile Function
When an Error Occurs Using Internet Fax
This section describes reports that the machine sends if an Internet Fax error occurs.
Error Mail Notification
The machine sends the Error Mail Notification to the sender when it is unable to
successfully receive a particular e-mail message. A “cc” of this notification is also
sent to the administrator's e-mail address when one is specified.
❒ You can select to send Error Mail Notification with User Parameters. See “Pa-
rameter Setting”, General Settings Guide.
❒ If Error Mail Notification cannot be sent, the Error Report (E-Mail) is printed
by the machine.
❒ If an error occurs when e-mail is received via SMTP, the SMTP server sends
error e-mail to the originator of the document.
“Parameter Setting”, General Settings Guide
Error Report (E-Mail)
The Error Report (E-Mail) is printed by the machine when it is unable to send an
Error Mail Notification.
Server-Generated Error E-mail
The transmitting server sends this error e-mail to the originator of e-mail that
cannot be transmitted successfully (due to reasons such as specifying an incor-
rect e-mail address).
❒ After server-generated error e-mail is printed, the first page of the sent docu-
ment is printed.
4. Troubleshooting When
Using the Printer Function
This chapter describes likely causes of and possible solutions for printer function
problems. When using the DDST Unit, see “Troubleshooting When Using the
DDST Unit”.
When a Message Is Displayed during
Installation of the Printer Driver
This section describes what to do if a message appears when installing the print-
er driver.
The message number 58 or 34 indicates that the printer driver cannot be installed
using Auto Run. Install the printer driver using [Add Printer] or [Install Printer].
Windows 95/98/Me/2000
This section describes the procedure under Windows 95/98/Me/2000.
A On the [Start] menu, point to [Settings], and then click [Printers].
B Double-click the Add Printer icon.
C Follow the instructions in Add Printer Wizard.
If the printer driver is on a CD-ROM, the location of the driver is either
\DRIVERS\(RPCS, PCL6, or PCL5E)\WIN9X_ME\(language)\DISK1, or
\DRIVERS\(RPCS, PCL6, or PCL5E)\XP_VISTA\(language)\DISK1. If the
installer starts, click [Cancel] to quit.
D Specify a port.
For the setting procedure, see a description for the port you are using.
❒ Available ports vary according to your Windows operating system or the
type of interface. For details, see “Preparing the Machine”, Printer Reference.
“Preparing the Machine”, Printer Reference
Troubleshooting When Using the Printer Function
Windows XP Professional or Windows Server 2003
This section describes the procedure under Windows XP Professional or Windows Server 2003.
A On the [Start] menu, click [Printers and Faxes].
B Click [Add a printer].
C Follow the instructions in Add Printer Wizard.
If the printer driver is on a CD-ROM, the location of the driver is \DRIV-
ERS\(RPCS, PCL6, or PCL5E)\XP_VISTA\(language)\DISK1. If the installer
starts, click [Cancel] to quit.
D Specify a port.
For the setting procedure, see a description for the port you are using.
❒ Available ports vary according to your Windows operating system or the
type of interface. For details, see “Preparing the Machine”, Printer Reference.
“Preparing the Machine”, Printer Reference
Windows XP Home Edition
This section describes the procedure under Windows XP Home Edition.
A On the [Start] menu, click [Control Panel].
B Click [Printer and Other Hardware].
C Click [Printers and Faxes].
D Click [Add a Printer].
E Follow the instructions in Add Printer Wizard.
If the printer driver is on a CD-ROM, the location of the driver is \DRIV-
ERS\(RPCS, PCL6, or PCL5E)\XP_VISTA\(language)\DISK1. If the installer
starts, click [Cancel] to quit.
F Specify a port.
For the setting procedure, see a description for the port you are using.
❒ Available ports vary according to your Windows operating system or the
type of interface. For details, see “Preparing the Machine”, Printer Reference.
“Preparing the Machine”, Printer Reference
When a Message Is Displayed during Installation of the Printer Driver
Windows Vista
This section describes the procedure under Windows Vista.
A On the [Start] menu, click [Control Panel].
B Click [Hardware and Sound].
C Click [Printers].
D Click [Add a printer].
E Follow the instructions in Add Printer Wizard.
If the printer driver is on a CD-ROM, the location of the driver is \DRIV-
ERS\(RPCS, PCL6, or PCL5E)\XP_VISTA\(language)\DISK1. If the installer
starts, click [Cancel] to quit.
F Specify a port.
For the setting procedure, see a description for the port you are using.
❒ Available ports vary according to your Windows operating system or the
type of interface. For details, see “Preparing the Machine”, Printer Reference.
“Preparing the Machine”, Printer Reference
Troubleshooting When Using the Printer Function
When a Message Is Displayed
This section describes the principal messages that appear on the display panel.
If a message not described here appears, act according to the message.
❒ Before turning the main power off, see “Turning On the Power”, About This
“Turning On the Power”, About This Machine
Status Messages
This section describes the machine status messages.
This is the default ready message. The machine is ready
for use. No action is required.
The machine is waiting for the next data to print. Wait a
The machine is offline. To start printing, switch the ma-
chine online by pressing the {Online} Key.
This message may appear for a second or two while the
machine is preparing, performing initial adjustments, or
adding toner. Wait a while.
Please wait...
In Hex Dump mode, the machine prints received data in
hexadecimal format. Turn off the machine after printing,
and then turn back on.
Hex Dump Mode
The machine is resetting the print job. Wait until
“Ready” appears on the display panel.
Resetting Job...
Setting change...
The machine settings are being changed. Wait a while.
When a Message Is Displayed
Alert Messages
This section describes the machine alert messages.
An error may have occurred in
the IEEE 802.11b card.
Turn off the main power switch,
and back on again. If the message
appears again, contact your sales
or service representative.
less card
An error may have occurred in
the IEEE 802.11b board.
Turn off the main power switch,
and back on again. If the message
appears again, contact your sales
or service representative.
less board
The selected paper tray does not Set the paper tray correctly.
exist or is not set correctly.
Toner is running out.
Replace the toner cartridge soon
to maintain print quality.
DToner is al-
most empty. Add
The specified paper tray is in use Wait until the other function has
Paper Tray is in
by another function, such as the
copier function.
finished using the specified paper
An error has occurred with the
paper tray.
Press [JobReset] to change the pa-
per tray settings, or press [Form-
Feed] to select another paper tray
and print using that.
Tray # Error
# indicates the tray number.
An error has occurred in the USB Turn off the main power switch,
USB has a prob-
and back on again. If the message
appears again, contact your sales
or service representative.
The selected paper tray has not been Press [JobReset] to change the pa-
Duplex mode is
in off position
for Tray #
configured for duplex printing.
per tray settings or do single- sid-
ed printing.
# indicates the tray number.
For details about the tray settings,
see “Tray Paper Settings”, Gener-
al Settings Guide.
An error has occurred in the
Ethernet board.
Turn off the main power switch,
and back on again. If the message
appears again, contact your sales
or service representative.
Ethernet Board
An error has occurred in the machine. Turn off the main power switch,
and back on again. If the message
NV-RAM Error
appears again, call your sales or
service representative.
This is an alert message concern- Press [Print] to cancel the mode
ing a paper tray in auto tray select. and print the job.
[Print] without
below mode?
Troubleshooting When Using the Printer Function
There is a problem with the finisher. Turn the power off, and then on.
Problem with
unit. Finisher
If the message appears again, contact
your sales or service representative.
The login user name or pass-
word entered is incorrect.
Check your login user name
and password.
The machine currently cannot
perform authentication.
Contact the administrator.
An error has occurred in the par- Contact your service representative.
allel interface board.
Parallel I/F Er-
An error has occurred in the font Turn off the main power switch,
Printer Font Er-
and back on again. If the message
appears again, contact your sales
or service representative.
Maximum capacity of RPCS, PCL Reduce the value of [Resolution] in
Memory Overflow
5e/6 or PostScript 3 display list
has been exceeded.
the printer driver. Alternatively,
select [Font Priority] from [Memory
Usage] in [System]. See “Printer
Features”, General Settings
Guide. If this message continues
to appear after taking these steps,
reduce the data size of files sent to
the machine.
When a Message Is Displayed
Printing the Error Log
If files could not be printed due to printing errors, print the error log to identify
the problem.
A Press the {User Tools/Counter} key.
B Select [Printer Features] using {U} or {T}, and then press the {OK} key.
C Select [List/Test Print] using {U} or {T}, and then press the {OK} key.
D Select [Error Log] using {U} or {T}, and then press the {OK} key.
An error log is printed.
❒ The most recent 30 errors are stored in the error log. If a new error is added
when there are 30 errors already stored, the earliest error is deleted. You
can check any of these print jobs for error log information.
❒ If the main power switch is turned off, the log is deleted.
Troubleshooting When Using the Printer Function
When You Cannot Print
Use the following procedures if printing does not start even after performing
Printing does not start. The power is off.
Check the cable is securely
plugged into the power outlet
and the machine. Turn on the
main power switch.
Printing does not start. The machine is set to “Offline”.
Printing does not start. The cause is displayed on the dis- Check the error message or warn-
play panel.
ing status on the display panel
and take the required action. See
p.42 “When a Message Is Dis-
Printing does not start. The interface cable was connected Connect the interface cable before
after the machine was turned on. turning on the machine.
Printing does not start. The interface cable is not connect- Connect the interface cable se-
ed correctly.
curely. If it has a fastener, fasten
that securely as well. See “Con-
necting to the Interfaces”, Gener-
al Settings Guide.
Printing does not start. The appropriate interface cable is The type of interface cable you
not used.
should use depends on the com-
puter. Be sure to use the correct
one. If the cable is damaged or
worn, replace it. See “Connecting
to the Interfaces”, General Set-
tings Guide.
Printing does not start. If an extended wireless LAN is
To check signal status, press the
used, failure to print might result {User Tools/Counter} key, and then
from a weak wireless signal.
select [System Settings] using {U}
or {T}. On [Interface Settings], se-
lect [IEEE 802.11b], and then press
[Wireless LAN Signal] using {U} or
{T}. If signal quality is poor,
move the machine to a location
where radio waves can pass or re-
move objects that might cause in-
terference. (You can check signal
status only when using wireless
LAN in infrastructure mode.)
Printing does not start. If the machine is operating in an Check using the machine's dis-
extended wireless LAN, the SSID play panel that the SSID is cor-
settings are incorrect.
rectly set. See “Network
Settings”, General Settings
When You Cannot Print
Printing does not start. If the machine is operating in an Check access point settings when
extended wireless LAN, the re-
in infrastructure mode. Depend-
ceiver's MAC address may be
ing on the access point, client ac-
preventing communication with cess may be limited by MAC
the access point.
Also, check there are no problems
in transmission between access
point and wired clients, and be-
tween access point and wireless
Printing does not start. The extended wireless LAN has
not started.
Confirm the orange LED is lit,
and the green LED is lit or blinks
during transmission.
Printing does not start. Advanced encryption has been
set using the Extended Security
Check the settings of the Extended Se-
curity function with the administrator.
Printing does not start. The login user name, password,
Check the login user name, pass-
word, or driver encryption key is
or driver encryption key is
The Data In indicator
does not blink or light not flashing even after perform-
If the Data In indicator is unlit or
When the machine is connect-
ed to a computer via a cable,
check the computer print port
settings are correct.
ing [Print], the machine has not re-
ceived the data.
When it is networked with a com-
The status indicator of The cause is displayed on the dis- Check the error message on the
the machine is red.
play of the control panel.
display panel and take required
action. See p.42 “When a Message
Is Displayed”.
[List/Test Print] is disa-
A mechanical error might have
Contact your service representa-
tive. See “List/Test Print”, Gener-
al Settings Guide.
Printing does not start Correct communication mode is Turn the main power off and back
when using extended
wireless LAN in Ad-
hoc mode.
not set.
on. See “Turning On the Power”,
About This Machine.
Or, change the settings in [Net-
work] under [Interface Settings] of
[System Settings]. See “Network
Settings”, General Settings
If the printing does not start, contact your service representative.
Troubleshooting When Using the Printer Function
❖ When the machine is connected to the computer using the interface cable
The following shows how to check the print port when the Data In indicator
does not light up or blink.
Check if the print port setting is correct. When it is connected using a parallel
interface, connect it to LPT1 or LPT2.
For Windows 95/98/Me
A Click the [Start] button, point to [Settings], and then click [Printers].
B Click the icon of the machine. On the [File] menu, click [Properties].
C Click the [Details] tab.
D In the [Print to the following port:] list, confirm the correct port is selected.
For Windows 2000
A Click the [Start] button, point to [Settings], and then click [Printers].
B Click the icon of the machine. On the [File] menu, click [Properties].
C Click the [Ports] tab.
D In the [Print to the following port(s)] list, confirm the correct port is selected.
For Windows XP Professional or Windows Server 2003
A Click the [Start] button, and then click [Printers and Faxes].
B Click the icon of the machine. On the [File] menu, click [Properties].
C Click the [Ports] tab.
D In the [Print to the following port(s)] list, confirm the correct port is selected.
For Windows XP Home Edition
A Click the [Start] button, and then click [Control Panel].
B Click [Printers and Other Hardware].
C Click [Printers and Faxes].
D Click the icon of the machine. On the [File] menu, click [Properties].
E Click the [Ports] tab.
F In the [Print to the following port(s)] list, confirm the correct port is selected.
For Windows Vista
A Click the [Start] button, and then click [Control Panel].
B Click [Printers].
C Click the icon of the machine. On the [Organize] menu, click [Properties].
D Click the [Ports] tab.
E In the [Print to the following port(s)] list, confirm the correct port is selected.
Other Printing Problems
Other Printing Problems
This section describes likely causes of and possible solutions for problems that
can occur when printing from a computer.
❖ When you cannot print clearly
The print on the The paper is
Use paper that has been stored in the recommended tem-
perature and humidity condition. See “Copy Paper”,
About This Machine.
entire page is
The print on the The paper is un- Use recommended paper. (Printing on coarse or treated
entire page is
paper might result in faint print image.) See “Copy Pa-
per”, About This Machine.
The print on the In the printer
See the printer driver Help.
entire page is
driver, on the
[Print Quality]
tab, [Toner sav-
ing] is selected.
Printed images Settings for
contain blots or thick paper
PCL 6/5e
Select [Thick] in the [Type:] list on the [Paper] tab.
are patchy.
have not been
made when
printing on
thick paper.
Select [Thick] in the [Paper type:] list on the [Setup] tab.
Printed images
contain blots or coarse paper or
Printing on
Use supplier-recommended paper. See “Copy Paper”,
About This Machine.
are patchy.
treated paper
canresult infaint
print image.
Printed images The paper is
contain blots or damp.
are patchy.
Use paper that has been stored in the recommended tem-
perature and humidity condition. See “Copy Paper”,
About This Machine.
Printed images Check the ma-
Check the environment of location to select an appropri-
contain blots or chine is set on a ate location. See p.109 “Where to Put Your Machine”.
are patchy.
level surface.
The machine
must be placed
on a stable and
level surface.
Printed images
The paper is
Smooth out the wrinkles from the paper, or replace it. See
contain blots or creased, curled, “Copy Paper”, About This Machine.
are patchy. or has blemishes.
The image is too The correct pa- Check the paper loaded on the paper tray or bypass tray
dark or too light. pertypesettings matches the paper type set on the display panel. See
are not made.
“Copy Paper”, About This Machine.
Troubleshooting When Using the Printer Function
The image is too The paper is
dark or too light. loaded reverse
side up.
Before printing on special paper, check its surface careful-
ly. Printing on non-print surfaces reduces print quality
and can damage the machine's internal components. See
“Copy Paper”, About This Machine.
Image is dirty.
Use of non-rec- Use manufacturer-genuine toner. Contact your service
ommended ton- representative.
er can result in
loss of print
quality and oth-
er problems.
Print ends mid-job. An error might Check the machine's display panel to see if an error has occurred.
have occurred.
❖ When certain settings are required on the printer driver
Print result dif- A non-Win-
Check the application supports the printer driver.
fers from the
dows OS is be-
ing used.
Print result dif- The machine is Use the machine's printer driver and check the machine is
fers from the
not selected for the designated printer. See “Setting Up the Printer Driv-
er”, Printer Reference.
Print result dif- Data transmis-
Check whether there is failed or cancelled data remaining.
See “Checking the Error Log”, Printer Reference.
fers from the
sion failed or
was cancelled
during printing.
Characters differ The print densi- Adjust the image density settings. See the printer driver
from the display. ty is too dark.
Characters differ The loaded pa-
Printing on recommended paper produces better resolu-
from the display. per is unsuitable. tion. See “Copy Paper”, About This Machine.
It takes too
much time to
The data is so
large or com-
If the Data In indicator is blinking, data is being proc-
essed. Simply wait until printing resumes.
resume printing. plex that it takes
time to process.
It takes too
much time to
resume printing. Saver mode.
The machine
was in Energy
To resume from Energy Saver mode, it has to warm up, and
this takes time. See “Timer Settings”, General Settings Guide
and “ENERGY STAR Program”, About This Machine.
Optional com-
ponents con-
nected to the
The option set- Set up optional devices on the Properties of the machine.
up in printer
See the printer driver Help.
properties is not
machine are not configured
when using
Windows 95/
when bidirec-
tional transmis-
sion is not
98/ Me/ 2000/ enabled.
XP/ Vista or
Windows Serv-
er 2003.
Other Printing Problems
Some types of
data, such as
graphics data or settings are not
data from cer-
tain applica-
tions, do not
The correct
printer driver
❖ PCL 6/5e
On the [Print Quality] tab, click [Off] in the [Toner saving]
area, and then print.
On the [Misc.] tab, select [Spool data in EMF format].
In the [Change User Settings...] dialog box, on the [Im-
age Adjustments] tab, select [High quality] in the [Image
processing priority:] list.
In the [Change User Settings...] dialog box, on the
[Misc.] tab, select [Print as bitmap].
See the printer driver Help.
Some characters The correct
On the [Misc.] tab, select [Spool data in EMF format].
are not printed
or appear
printer driver
settings are not
In the [Change User Settings...] dialog box, on the [Misc.]
tab, select [Change methods to extract TrueType fonts].
In the [Change User Settings...] dialog box, on the [Misc.]
tab, select [Print as bitmap].
See the RPCS printer driver Help.
Some characters The correct
are not printed printer driver
or appear faint. settings are not
❖ PCL 6/5e
On the [Print Quality] tab, click [Off] in the [Toner saving]
area, and then print.
In the [Change User Settings...] dialog box, on the [Image
Adjustments] tab, select [High quality] in the [Image
processing priority:] list.
See the printer driver Help.
Print speed or
application re-
The correct
printer driver
settings are not
In the [Change User Settings...] dialog box, on the [Image
Adjustments] tab, select [Fast] in the [Image processing pri-
ority:] list.
speed is slow.
On the [Misc.] tab, select [Spool data in EMF format].
See the RPCS printer driver Help.
Quit any other applications.
Image position
differs from the layout settings
Thecorrectpage Check the page layout settings made using the applica-
tion. See the application's Help.
are not made.
Image position
differs from the layout settings
❖ PCL 6/5e
Check the size of the loaded paper matches that speci-
fied in the printer driver's [Print On] list on the [Paper]
display. are not made.
Check that the size of the loaded paper matches that
specified in the printer driver's [Printout paper size:] list
on the [Setup] tab.
See the printer driver Help.
Troubleshooting When Using the Printer Function
The printed im- With certain
In the application, change the layout, character size, and
age is different
functions, such character settings.
from the image as enlargement
on the computer and reduction,
image layout
might be differ-
ent to that on
the computer
The printed im- You might have To print an image similar to that of the computer display,
age is different selected to re- make settings to print TrueType fonts as an image. See the
from the image place TrueType printer driver Help.
on the computer fonts with ma-
chine fonts in
the printing
Garbled charac- The correct
ters are printed. printer lan-
guage might
Set the correct printer language.
have not been
Images are print- The feed orien- Set the machine's feed orientation and the printer driver's
ed in the wrong tation you se- feed orientation accordingly. See the printer driver Help.
lected and the
feed orientation
selected in the
printer driver's
option setup
might not be the
Graphics print
out differently
If the printer
If you want to print accurately, set the printer driver to
driver is config- print without using the graphics command.
to how they ap- ured to use the
pear on screen. graphics com-
mand, the
See the printer driver Help.
graphics com-
mand from the
machine is used
to print.
Page layout is
Print areas differ On the [Printer Configuration] tab, adjust the [Printable area:]
not as expected. depending on
the machine
See the RPCS printer driver Help.
used. Informa-
tion that fits on a
single page on
one machine
may not fit on a
single page of an-
other machine.
Other Printing Problems
Use the application's settings to specify a higher resolution.
Photo images
are coarse.
Some applica-
tions print at
lower resolution.
Solid lines are
printed as bro-
ken lines.
Dither patterns Make the following settings with the printer driver:
do not match.
In the [Change User Settings...] dialog box, on the [Image
Adjustments] tab, change the [Dithering:] setting.
See the RPCS printer driver Help.
When using
Make sure the application's paper size and orientation set-
tings match those of the printer driver.
Windows 95/
98/ Me/ 2000/
XP/ Vista or
Windows Serv-
er 2003, Auto
If a different paper size and orientation are set, select the
same size and orientation.
large print does
not come out as
When using
The correct ap- Make sure the application's paper size and orientation set-
Windows 95/
98/ Me/ 2000/ printer driver
XP/ Vista or settings are not
plication or
tings match those of the printer driver. If a different paper size
and orientation are set, select the same size and orientation.
WindowsServer made.
2003, combined
printing or
booklet printing
does not come
out as expected.
A print instruc- User Authenti- User code management may have been set. Ask the ad-
tion was issued cation may have ministrator about valid user codes. To print, the user code
from the com-
been set.
must be entered from the printer driver.
puter, but print-
ing did not start.
Troubleshooting When Using the Printer Function
❖ When paper is not fed properly
Paper is not fed When you are us- Set the desired input tray using the printer driver. See the
from the select- ing a Windows
printer driver Help.
ed tray.
operating sys-
tem, printer driv-
er settings
override those
settings using the
display panel.
Print is slanted. The tray's side
Check the side fences are locked. See p.92 “Changing the
Load the paper correctly. See p.87 “Loading Paper”.
fencesmightnot Paper Size”.
be locked.
Print is slanted. The paper is
feeding in at a
Print is slanted. The machine's
cover is open.
Make sure the right and lower right covers are properly
Misfeeds occur The number of
Load paper only as high as the upper limit markings on
the side fences of the paper tray or bypass tray. See “Copy
sheets loaded
exceeds the ca- Paper”, About This Machine.
pacity of the
Misfeeds occur The paper is
frequently. damp.
Use paper that has been stored in the recommended tem-
perature and humidity condition. See “Copy Paper”,
About This Machine.
Misfeeds occur The paper is too Use recommended paper. See “Copy Paper”, About This
frequently. thick or too thin. Machine.
Misfeeds occur The copy paper Use recommended paper. Use paper that has been stored
is wrinkled or
has been fold-
in the recommended temperature and humidity condi-
tion. See “Copy Paper”, About This Machine.
Misfeeds occur Printed paper is Use recommended paper. See “Copy Paper”, About This
being used.
Copy paper be- The paper is
comes creased. damp.
Use paper that has been stored in the recommended tem-
perature and humidity condition. See “Copy Paper”,
About This Machine.
Copy paper be- The paper is too Use recommended paper. See “Copy Paper”, About This
comes creased.
There is considera- “Sleep mode”
ble delay between might be set.
the print start in-
The machine requires time to warm up if it has been in
“Sleep mode”. See “Timer Settings”, General Settings Guide
and “ENERGY STAR Program”, About This Machine.
struction and actu-
al printing.
Other Printing Problems
If the Data In indicator is blinking, data has been received
There is considera- Processing time
ble delay between depends on data by the machine. Wait for a while.
the print start in-
struction and actu- volume data,
al printing.
volume. High
Making the following setting on the printer driver may re-
duce the computer's workload.
such as graphics-
heavy docu-
ments, takes
For how to open the printing preferences dialog box, see
“Setting Up the Printer Driver”, Printer Reference.
longer to process.
❖ PCL 6/5e
Select the lower value in the [Resolution] list on the
[Print Quality] tab in the printing preferences dialog box.
In the [Change User Settings...] dialog box, on the [Im-
age Adjustments] tab, select the lower value in the
[Resolution:] list.
In the [Change User Settings...] dialog box, on the [Im-
age Adjustments] tab, Select [Fast] in the [Load docu-
ment types:] list.
To enable [Change User Settings...], select the [User set-
tings] check box.
See the printer driver Help.
❖ Other printing problems
The print job is
not canceled
even when the
machine is
Even when the machine is offline, printing is performed
when [Job Acceptance Priority] is selected for [Signal Control]
in [Parallel Interface] in [Interface Settings] under [System Set-
tings]. Select [Printer Priority] for [Signal Control].
switched to of-
fline status.
See “Interface Settings”, General Settings Guide.
Images are in-
You may be us- Use the same size paper as that selected in the application.
complete, or ex- ing paper small- If you cannot load paper of the correct size, use the reduc-
cess pages are
er than the size tion function to reduce the image, and then print.
selected in the
See the printer driver Help.
Duplexprintingis Duplex print-
When using duplex printing, make settings to use paper
from a tray other than the bypass tray.
ing cannot be
set in the bypass
Duplexprintingis You have load- Specify another paper type.
ed thick paper,
OHP transpar-
encies, or labels
specified as the
paper type.
Troubleshooting When Using the Printer Function
Duplexprintingis Duplex print-
Change the Paper Type setting for the tray to [On] on the
System Settings menu. See “System Settings”, General
ing cannot be
done with a tray Settings Guide.
for which [Off]
has been speci-
fied as Paper
Type on the Sys-
tem Settings
Printing by
Bluetooth is
The number
of jobs ex-
ceeds the ca-
pacity of the
Reduce the number of jobs.
Remove the machine from close proximity with
IEEE802.11b wireless LAN devices.
If there are active IEEE802.11b wireless LAN devices
or other Bluetooth devices nearby, relocate the ma-
chine or deactivate those devices.
A communi-
cation error
might have
LAN) devic-
es affects
tion speed.
sion speeds
are not high.
If the problem cannot be solved, contact your sales or service representative.
5. Troubleshooting When
Using the Scanner Function
This chapter describes likely causes of and possible solutions for scanner func-
tion problems. When using the DDST Unit, see “Troubleshooting When Using
the DDST Unit”.
When Scanning Is Not Done As Expected
This section describes causes and remedies when scan results are not as expected.
The scanned image is
The exposure glass, scanning
glass, exposure glass cover or
ARDF is dirty.
Clean these parts. See p.113
“Maintaining Your Machine”.
The image is distorted The original was moved during
or out of position. scanning.
Do not move the original during
The image is distorted The original was not pressed flat Make sure that the original is
or out of position.
against the exposure glass.
pressed flat against the exposure
The scanned image is
upside down.
The original was placed upside
Place the original in the correct
orientation. See “Original Orien-
tation”, Scanner Reference.
No image results from The original was placed with the When the original is placed direct-
front and back reversed.
ly on the exposure glass, the side
to be scanned must face down.
When the original is fed via the
ARDF, the side to be scanned
must face up. See “Original Orien-
tation”, Scanner Reference.
The scanned image
If you scan originals using func- Scanning at a higher resolution
contains white spaces. tions other than the network
TWAIN scanner function, certain
paper size and resolution settings
may produce scanned images
may reduce the margins.
that are larger than the specified
size because of margins being
added to the sides.
Troubleshooting When Using the Scanner Function
When You Cannot Send Scanned Files
The following sections describe likely causes of and solutions for network deliv-
ery and e-mail sending-related problems.
When You Cannot Browse the Network to Send a Scanned File
This section describes likely causes of and possible solutions for the browser net-
work failing to operate when files are sent.
The network cannot be The following machine settings
browsed when specify- may not be correct:
ing the destination
Check the settings. See “Network
Settings”, General Settings
IPv4 address
Subnet Mask
When the TWAIN Driver Cannot Be Started
This section describes likely causes of and possible solutions for the TWAIN
driver failing to operate.
The Scanner Properties Advanced encryption has been
For details about the extended securi-
dialog box cannot be
specified in the extended security ty setting, contact the administrator.
The Network Delivery Function Cannot Be Used
This section describes likely causes of and possible solutions for the Network
Delivery function failing to operate.
The network delivery
function cannot be
The delivery software may be an Contact the administrator.
old version or a security setting
may be specified.
The network delivery
function cannot be
The network delivery function
setting is not correct.
Specify it correctly. See “Settings
Required to Use the Network De-
livery Scanner”, General Settings
When You Cannot Send Scanned Files
Operations Are Not Possible When Messages Appear
This section describes likely causes of and possible solutions for messages that
appear when the machine fails to operate.
The destination list is being up-
dated from the network using
SmartDeviceMonitor for Admin er while this message is
Wait until the message disap-
pears. Do not switch off the pow-
Updating desti-
nation list. Re-
or Web Image Monitor.
displayed. Depending on the
number of destinations to be up-
dated, there may be some delay
before you can resume operation.
Operations are not possible while
this message is displayed.
Troubleshooting When Using the Scanner Function
When a Message Is Displayed
This section describes likely causes of and possible solutions for error messages
that may appear on the machine's display panel and the Client Computer.
When a Message Is Displayed on the Display Panel
This section describes causes and remedies if an error message appears on the
display of the control panel.
❒ For messages that are not listed here, see “When You Have Problems Operat-
ing the Machine”.
A network error has occurred and Try the operation once more. If
Connection with
LDAP server has
failed. Check
the server sta-
connection has failed.
the message is still shown, the
network may be crowded. Check
the information of System Set-
tings. See “Administrator Tools”,
General Settings Guide.
The user name and password dif- Make settings correctly for the
fer from those settings for LDAP user name and the password for
LDAP server
auth. has
failed. Check
the settings.
server authentication.
LDAP server authentication.
A specified destination or send-
er's name was cleared when the
destination list in the delivery
server was updated.
Specify the destination or send-
er's name again.
list has been
updated. Se-
lected destina-
will be cleared.
A network error has occurred.
Check whether the server is connected.
Updating desti-
nation list has
failed. Try
The destination list is being updated. If a destination or sender's name
was already selected, re-select it
Updating desti-
nation list. Re-
after this message disappears.
When a Message Is Displayed
You have loaded paper of a size
not shown in Paper Size Settings
with User Tools.
Place the original correctly.
Specify the scan size.
Cannot detect
original size
Select scan
When placing an original di-
rectly on the exposure glass,
the lifting/ lowering action of
the ARDF triggers the auto-
matic original size detection
process. Lift the ARDF by
more than 30 degrees. See
“Placing Originals”, Copy
Search results have exceeded the Search again after changing the
maximum displayable number. search conditions.
Exceeded max.
results which
can be dis-
played. Max.:
(A figure is placed at n.)
The use of this function is restrict- Contact the administrator.
ed to authentified users only.
You do not have
privileges to
use this func-
A network error has occurred and Try the operation once more. If
LDAP server
connection has failed.
the message is still shown, the
network may be crowded. Check
the information of System Set-
tings. See “Administrator Tools”,
General Settings Guide.
search timed
out. Check the
server status.
The specified group contains
some e-mail destinations and
Scan to Folder destinations.
Press [Select] for the message dis-
played on the screen for each
Specified group
contains some
you want to se-
lect only valid
The correct network settings are
not made.
Check the network settings of
the client computer.
Connection has
failed. Check
settings and
check Scanned
File Status.
Check that components such
as the LAN cable are connect-
ed properly.
Check that the server settings
are correct and the server is
working properly.
Troubleshooting When Using the Scanner Function
The entered user name or pass-
word was invalid.
Check that the user name and
password are correct.
Dest. authenti-
cation failed.
Check settings
and check
Scanned File
Check that the ID and pass-
word for the destination fold-
er are correct.
A password of 128 or more char-
acters may not be recognized.
The sender's name was not specified. A sender's name should be speci-
fied before sending e-mail. Send
not selected.
Specify send-
er's name.
e-mail after specifying the send-
er's name.
The e-mail has too many (nnn or Split the destinations into two or
Cannot enter
manually more
than nnn desti-
more) destinations.
more groups.
(A figure is placed at n.)
The e-mail has too many (nnn or Split the destinations into two or
Cannot specify
more than nnn
more) destinations.
more groups.
(A figure is placed at n.)
The maximum number of desti-
nation folders that can be selected folders.
at one time has been exceeded.
Select nn or fewer destination
The number of
folders se-
lectable in one
time is limited
to nn.
(A figure is placed at n.)
The maximum e-mail size has
been exceeded.
Increase the size of [Max. E-mail
Exceeded max. E-
mail size. Send-
ing E-mail has
been cancelled.
Set [Divide & Send E-mail] to [On
(per page)] or [On (per max.
See “Send Settings”, General Set-
tings Guide.
While a file was being sent, a net- Try the operation once more. If
work error occurred and the file the message is still shown, the
Sending failed.
Check settings
and check
Scanned File
could not be sent correctly.
network may be crowded. Con-
tact the administrator.
Press the {Job Information} key to
display the transmission results,
and then check which job has not
been sent. See “Confirmation Dis-
plays”, Scanner Reference.
When a Message Is Displayed
The correct protection code was
not entered.
Make sure the protection code is
correct, and then enter it again.
See “Registering a Protection
Code”, General Settings Guide.
Entered protec-
tion code for
dest. is incor-
rect. Please re-
The maximum enterable number Make sure the maximum number
Exceeded max.
number of alpha-
numeric charac-
of alphanumeric characters has
been exceeded.
of characters which can be en-
tered, and then enter it again. See
“Values of Various Set Items for
Transmission/Delivery Func-
tion”, Scanner Reference.
The entered login user name or
password is incorrect.
Check the login user name and pass-
word. The machine is unable to au-
thenticate. Contact the administrator.
The data size exceeded the capac- Reduce the data size and send
Exceeded max.
data size per
ity per file.
them again.
scan. The
scanned data
will be deleted.
The machine is using another
function such as copying.
Retry scanning after the operation
with another function is completed.
Original is be-
ing scanned by
another func-
The memory is full.
Try one of the following measures:
max.memory ca-
pa. Scanning
will be can-
celled. Scanned
data will be
Wait for a while, and then re-
try the scan operation.
Reduce the scan area or scan-
ning resolution.
Delete unneeded stored files.
The memory is full.
Specify whether to use the data or
Exceeded max.
memory capaci-
ty. Do you want
to send the
scanned data?
The authentic settings for the de- Check that the delivery server is
No valid dest.
settings or the
server status.
livery server are incorrect.
on and the authentic settings for
the delivery server are correct.
Troubleshooting When Using the Scanner Function
Sending has failed. Press the
Job Try the operation once more.
Sending has
Information key to check the status.
failed. Press
Job Information
key to check the
If the message is still shown, the
network may be crowded. Con-
tact your network administrator.
Use the Job Information screen to
check for the file where the prob-
lem occurred. See “Confirmation
Displays”, Scanner Reference.
No paper is loaded in the speci-
fied paper tray.
Load paper of a size that is listed
in the message.
Out of paper.
Set paper on the
The number of scanned pages ex- Select whether to send the data so
ceeded maximum page capacity. far.
Exceeded max.
page capacity.
Do you want to
p.6 “When You Have Problems Operating the Machine”
When a Message Is Displayed
When a Message Is Displayed on the Client Computer
This section describes likely causes of and possible solutions for the main error
messages displayed on the client computer when using the TWAIN driver.
❒ If an error message that is not included in this section appears, turn off the
main power switch of the machine, and then turn it on again. For details
about how to turn off the main power switch, see “Turning On the Main Pow-
er”, About This Machine.
A paper misfeed has occurred in- Remove jammed originals, and
Clear Mis-
side the ARDF.
place them again.
feed(s) in ADF.
After removing the misfed paper,
proceed with scanning.
Check whether the originals are suit-
able to be scanned by the machine.
You are using an invalid version Install the operating system of the
Invalid Winsock
version. Please
use version 1.1
or higher.
of Winsock.
computer or copy Winsock from
the operating system CD-ROM.
You tried to register a name that Use another name.
is already in use.
The name is al-
ready in use.
Check the regis-
tered names.
The set original was misaligned.
Place the original correctly.
Specify the scan size.
Cannot detect
the paper size
Specify the
When placing an original directly
on the exposure glass, the lift-
ing/lowering action of the ARDF
triggers the automatic original
size detection process. Lift the
ARDF by more than 30 degrees.
scanning size.
The maximum number of regis-
terable scanning modes has been modes that can be stored is 99. De-
The maximum number of scanning
Cannot add any
more scanning
lete unneeded scanning modes.
The maximum number of regis-
terable scanning areas has been
The maximum number of scanning
areas that can be stored is 99. De-
lete unneeded scanning areas.
Cannot specify
any more scan-
ning area.
An unrecoverable error has oc-
curred in the machine.
Contact your service representative.
service repre-
The TWAIN scanner function
cannot be used on this machine.
Contact your service representative.
Scanner is not
specified de-
Troubleshooting When Using the Scanner Function
The machine's main power
switch is off.
Set the main power switch to
Scanner is not
Check the scan-
ner connection
The machine is not connected
to the network correctly.
Check whether the machine is con-
nected to the network correctly.
Deselect the personal firewall
function of the client computer.
Use an application such as tel-
net to make sure SNMPv1 or
SNMPv2 is set as the ma-
chine’s protocol. See “Net-
work Settings”, General
Settings Guide and “Remote
Maintenance by telnet”, Net-
work Guide.
The machine is not connected to Check whether the machine is con-
the scanner.
the network correctly.
nected to the network correctly.
The network is crowded.
Wait for a while, and then try to
the scanner.
The application-specified scan
conditions have exceeded the set- tings made with the application
ting range of the machine.
Check whether the scanning set-
Error has oc-
curred in the
exceed the setting range of the
An unrecoverable error has oc-
curred on the machine.
Contact your service representative.
Contact the administrator.
Fatal error has
occurred in the
An access mask is set.
Cannot connect
to the scanner.
Check the net-
The ARDF cover is open.
Check whether the ARDF cover is
Scanner is not
scanner and the
Scanner memory is insufficient.
Reset the scan size.
memory. Reduce
the scanning ar-
Lower the resolution.
Set with no compression. See
TWAIN Driver help.
When a Message Is Displayed
The main power switch of the
previously used scanner is not
set to “On”.
Check whether the main pow-
er switch of the scanner used
for the previous scan is turned
Cannot find
"xxx" scanner
used for the
previous scan.
"YYY" will be
used instead.
The machine is not connected
to the network correctly.
Check the previously used
scanner is connected to the
network correctly.
(XXX and YYY indicate
a scanner name.)
Deactivate the personal fire-
wall of the client computer.
Use an application such as tel-
net to make sure SNMPv1 or
SNMPv2 is set as the ma-
chine’s protocol. See “Net-
work Settings”, General
Settings Guide and “Remote
Maintenance by telnet”, Net-
work Guide.
Select the scanner used for the
previous scan.
An error has occurred in the driver.
Check whether the network
cable is connected correctly to
the client computer.
Error has oc-
curred in the
scanner driver.
Check whether the Ethernet board
of the client computer is recog-
nized correctly by Windows.
Check whether the client compu-
ter can use the TCP/IP protocol.
A communication error has oc-
curred on the network.
Check whether the client compu-
ter can use the TCP/IP protocol.
error has oc-
curred on the
Memory is insufficient.
Close all the unnecessary ap-
plications running on the cli-
ent computer.
memory. Close
all other appli-
cations, then
restart scan-
Uninstall the TWAIN Driver,
restart the computer, and then
reinstall the TWAIN Driver.
The entered login user name,
password, or driver encryption
key was invalid.
Check the login user name,
password, and driver encryp-
tion key.
The login user
name, login
password, or
driver encryp-
is invalid.
Permission to use this func-
tion has not been granted.
Contact the administrator.
“Turning On the Power”, About This Machine
Troubleshooting When Using the Scanner Function
6. Troubleshooting When
Using the DDST Unit
This chapter describes likely causes of and possible solutions for printer and
scanner function problems when using machines with the DDST Unit.
The Printer Function
When a Message Is Displayed during Installation of the Printer
This section describes what to do if a message appears when installing the print-
er driver.
The message number 58 or 34 indicates that the printer driver cannot be installed
using Auto Run. Install the printer driver using [Add Printer] or [Install Printer].
Windows 98/Me/2000
This section describes the procedure for Windows 98/Me/2000.
A On the [Start] menu, point to [Settings], and then click [Printers].
B Double-click the Add Printer icon.
C Follow the instructions in Add Printer Wizard.
If the printer driver is on a CD-ROM, the location of the driver is either
WIN2K_XP\(language)\DISK1. If the installer starts, click [Cancel] to quit.
D Specify a port.
For the setting procedure, see a description for the port you are using.
❒ Available ports vary according to your Windows operating system or the
type of interface. For details, see “Using the Printer Function”, Print-
er/Scanner Reference.
“Using the Printer Function”, Printer/Scanner Reference
Troubleshooting When Using the DDST Unit
Windows XP Professional or Windows Server 2003
This section describes the procedure for Windows XP Professional and Win-
dows Server 2003.
A On the [Start] menu, click [Printers and Faxes].
B Click [Add a printer].
C Follow the instructions in Add Printer Wizard.
If the printer driver is on a CD-ROM, the location of the driver is \DRIV-
ERS\DDST\WIN2K_XP\(language)\DISK1. If the installer starts, click [Cancel]
to quit.
D Specify a port.
For the setting procedure, see a description for the port you are using.
Available ports vary according to your Windows operating system or the type of
interface. For details, see “Using the Printer Function”, Printer/Scanner Reference.
“Using the Printer Function”, Printer/Scanner Reference
Windows XP Home Edition
This section describes the procedure for Windows XP Home Edition.
A On the [Start] menu, click [Control Panel].
B Click [Printer and Other Hardware].
C Click [Printers and Faxes].
D Click [Add a Printer].
E Follow the instructions in Add Printer Wizard.
If the printer driver is on a CD-ROM, the location of the driver is \DRIV-
ERS\DDST\WIN2K_XP\(language)\DISK1. If the installer starts, click [Cancel]
to quit.
F Specify a port.
For the setting procedure, see a description for the port you are using.
Available ports vary according to your Windows operating system or the type of
interface. For details, see “Using the Printer Function”, Printer/Scanner Reference.
“Using the Printer Function”, Printer/Scanner Reference
The Printer Function
When a Message Is Displayed
This section describes the principal messages that appear on the display panel.
If a message not described here appears, act according to the message.
❒ Before turning the main power off, see “Turning On the Power”, About This
“Turning On the Power”, About This Machine
Status messages
This section describes the machine status messages.
This is the default ready message. The machine is ready for use.
No action is required.
The machine is waiting for the next data to print. Wait a while.
The machine is offline. To start printing, switch the machine on-
line by pressing the {Online} key on the control panel.
This message may appear for a second or two while the ma-
chine is preparing, performing initial adjustments, or adding
toner. Wait a while.
Please wait...
Hex Dump Mode
In Hex Dump mode, the machine prints received data in hexa-
decimal format. Turn off the machine after printing, and then
turn back on.
Resetting Job...
Setting change...
The machine is resetting the print job. Wait until “Ready” ap-
pears on the display.
The machine is setting changing. You cannot use the control
panel while this message is displayed. Wait a while.
Troubleshooting When Using the DDST Unit
Alert messages
This section describes the machine alert messages.
Messages/Second messages
The selected paper tray has
not been configured for du-
plex printing.
Press [JobReset] to change the
paper tray settings or do sin-
gle-sided printing.
Duplex mode is in off
position for Tray #
# indicates the tray number.
For details about tray settings,
see “Canceling a Print Job”,
Printer/Scanner Reference.
An error has occurred in the
Ethernet interface.
Turn the main power switch off,
wait a few seconds, and then
turn it back on. If the message
appears again, contact your
sales or service representative.
Ethernet Board Error
NV-RAM Error
An error has occurred in the
Turn the main power switch off,
wait a few seconds, and then
turn it back on. If the message
appears again, contact your
sales or service representative.
This is an alert message con-
cerning a paper tray in auto
tray select.
Press [Print] to cancel the
mode and print the job.
[Print] without be-
low mode?
An error has occurred in the
font file.
Turn the main power switch off,
wait a few seconds, and then
turn it back on. If the message
appears again, contact your
sales or service representative.
Printer Font Error.
There is a problem with the
Turn the power off, and then
Problem with unit.
If the message appears again,
contact your sales or service
Maximum capacity of RPCS, Reduce the value of [Resolu-
Memory Overflow
PCL 5e/6 or PostScript 3 list
display has been exceeded.
tion] in the printer driver. Al-
ternatively, select [Font
Priority]from [Memory Usage]in
[System]. See “Printer Fea-
tures”, General Settings
Guide. If this message contin-
ues to appear after taking
these steps, decrease the
number of files sent to the
The specified paper tray is in Wait until the other function
use by another function, such has finished using the speci-
Paper Tray is in use.
as the copier function.
fied paper tray.
The Printer Function
Messages/Second messages
The selected paper tray does
not exist or is not set correctly.
Set the paper tray correctly.
Reset Paper Tray
Toner is running out.
Replace the toner cartridge
DToner is almost
soon to maintain print quality.
Add toner.
A paper tray error has occurred. Press [JobReset] to change the
Tray # Error
paper tray settings, or press
[FormFeed] to select another
# indicates the tray number.
paper tray and print.
An error has occurred in the
USB interface.
Turn the main power switch off,
wait a few seconds, and then
turn it back on. If the message
appears again, contact your
sales or service representative.
USB has a problem.
Troubleshooting When Using the DDST Unit
Printing the error log
If files could not be printed due to printing errors, print the error log to identify
the problem.
A Press the {User Tools/Counter} key.
B Select [Printer Features] using {U} or {T}, and then press the {OK} key.
C Select [List/Test Print] using {U} or {T}, and then press the {OK} key.
D Select [Error Log] using {U} or {T}, and then press the {OK} key.
An error log is printed.
❒ The most recent 30 errors are stored in the error log. If a new error is added
when there are 30 errors already stored, the earliest error is deleted. You
can check any of these print jobs for error log information.
❒ If the main power switch is turned off, the log is deleted.
The Printer Function
When You Cannot Print
Use the following procedures if printing does not start even after performing
Printing does not start.
The power is off.
Check the cable is securely
plugged into the power outlet
and the machine. Turn on the
main power switch.
Printing does not start.
Printing does not start.
The machine is set to “Of-
Press the {Online} key.
The cause is displayed on the Check the error message or
display panel.
warning status on the display
panel and take the required
action. See p.83 “When a Mes-
sage Is Displayed”.
Printing does not start.
Printing does not start.
The interface cable was con-
nected after the machine was fore turning on the machine.
turned on.
Connect the interface cable be-
The interface cable is not con- Connect the interface cable se-
nected correctly.
curely. If it has a fastener, fas-
ten that securely as well. See
“Connecting the Machine”,
General Settings Guide.
Printing does not start.
The appropriate interface ca- The type of interface cable you
ble is not used.
should use depends on the
computer. Be sure to use the
correct one. If the cable is
damaged or worn, replace it.
See “Connecting the Ma-
chine”, General Settings
[List/Test Print] is disabled.
A mechanical error might
have occurred.
Contact your service repre-
sentative. See “List/Test
Print”, General Settings
If the printing does not start, contact your service representative.
Troubleshooting When Using the DDST Unit
❖ When the machine is connected to the computer using the interface cable
The following shows how to check the print port when the Data In indicator
does not light up or blink.
Check if the print port setting is correct. For USB port connection, the USB
port must be set.
For Windows 98/Me
A Click the [Start] button, point to [Settings], and then click [Printers].
B Click the icon of the machine. On the [File] menu, click [Properties].
C Click the [Details] tab.
D In the [Print to the following port:] list, confirm the correct port is selected.
For Windows 2000
A Click the [Start] button, point to [Settings], and then click [Printers].
B Click the icon of the machine. On the [File] menu, click [Properties].
C Click the [Ports] tab.
D In the [Print to the following port(s)] list, confirm the correct port is selected.
For Windows XP Professional or Windows Server 2003
A Click the [Start] button, and then click [Printers and Faxes].
B Click the icon of the machine. On the [File] menu, click [Properties].
C Click the [Ports] tab.
D In the [Print to the following port(s)] list, confirm the correct port is selected.
For Windows XP Home Edition
A Click the [Start] button, and then click [Control Panel].
B Click [Printers and Other Hardware].
C Click [Printers and Faxes].
D Click the icon of the machine. On the [File] menu, click [Properties].
E Click the [Ports] tab.
F In the [Print to the following port(s)] list, confirm the correct port is selected.
The Printer Function
Other Printing Problems
This section describes likely causes of and possible solutions for problems that
can occur when printing from a computer.
❖ When you cannot print clearly
The print on the entire page is The paper is damp.
Use paper that has been
stored in the recommended
temperature and humidity
condition. See “Copy Paper”,
About This Machine.
The print on the entire page is The paper is unsuitable.
Use recommended paper.
(Printing on coarse or treated
paper might result in faint
print image.) See “Copy Pa-
per”, About This Machine.
Printed images contain blots
or are patchy.
Settings for thick paper have Select [Thick] in the [Type:] list
not been made when printing on the [Paper] tab.
on thick paper.
Printed images contain blots
or are patchy.
Printing on coarse paper or
treated paper can result in
faint print image.
Use supplier-recommended
paper. See “Copy Paper”,
About This Machine.
Printed images contain blots
or are patchy.
The paper is damp.
Use paper that has been
stored in the recommended
temperature and humidity
condition. See “Copy Paper”,
Printed images contain blots
or are patchy.
Check the machine is set on a Check the environment of lo-
level surface. The machine cation to select an appropriate
must be placed on a stable and location. See p.109 “Where to
level surface.
Put Your Machine”.
Printed images contain blots
or are patchy.
The paper is creased, curled,
or has blemishes.
Smooth out the wrinkles from
the paper, or replace it. See
“Copy Paper”, About This
The image is too dark or too
The correct paper type set-
tings are not made.
Check the paper loaded on the
paper tray or bypass tray
matches the paper type set on
the display panel. See “Copy
Paper”, About This Machine.
Troubleshooting When Using the DDST Unit
The image is too dark or too
The paper is loaded reverse
side up.
Before printing on special pa-
per, check its surface careful-
ly. Printing on non-print
surfaces reduces print quality
and can damage the machine's
internal components. See
“Copy Paper”, About This
Image is dirty.
Use of non-recommended
Use manufacturer-genuine
toner can result in loss of print toner. Contact your service
quality and other problems. representative.
Print ends mid-job.
An error might have occurred. Check the machine's display pan-
el to see if an error has occurred.
❖ When certain settings are required on the printer driver
Print result differs from the
A non-Windows OS is being
Check the application sup-
ports the printer driver.
Print result differs from the
The machine is not selected
for printing.
Use the machine's printer driv-
er and check the machine is the
designated printer. See “Set-
ting Up the Printer Driver”,
Printer/Scanner Reference.
Print result differs from the
Data transmission failed or
was cancelled during printing. or cancelled data remaining.
Check whether there is failed
See “Checking the Error Log”,
Printer/Scanner Reference.
Characters differ from the display. The print density is too dark. Adjust the image density set-
tings. See the printer driver
Characters differ from the display. The loaded paper is unsuitable. Printing on recommended pa-
per produces better resolu-
tion. See “Copy Paper”, About
This Machine.
It takes too much time to
resume printing.
The data is so large or complex If the Data In indicator is
that it takes time to process.
blinking, data is being proc-
essed. Simply wait until
printing resumes.
It takes too much time to
resume printing.
The machine was in Energy
Saver mode.
To resume from Energy Saver
mode, it has to warm up, and
this takes time. See “Timer Set-
tings”, General Settings Guide
gram”, About This Machine.
The Printer Function
See the printer driver Help.
Optional components con-
The option setup in printer
nected to the machine are not properties is not configured
recognized when using Win- when bidirectional transmis-
dows 98/ Me/ 2000/ XP or
Windows Server 2003.
sion is not enabled.
The correct printer driver set- On the [Print Quality] tab, click
Some types of data, such as
graphics data or data from
certain applications, do not
tings are not made.
[Toner Save Off] in the [Toner
Save] area, and then print.
See the printer driver Help.
Some characters are not print- The correct printer driver set- On the [Print Quality] tab, click
ed or appear faint.
tings are not made.
[Toner Save Off] in the [Toner
Save] area, and then print.
See the printer driver Help.
Print speed or application re- The correct printer driver set- See the printer driver Help.
linquishing speed is slow.
tings are not made.
Quit any other applications.
Image position differs from
the display.
The correct page layout set-
tings are not made.
Check the page layout settings
made using the application.
See the application's Help.
The printed image is different With certain functions, such
from the image on the compu- asenlargementandreduction, layout, character size, and
In the application, change the
ter display.
image layout might be differ- character settings.
ent to that on the computer
The printed image is different You might have selected to re- To print an image similar to
from the image on the compu- place TrueType fonts with that of the computer display,
ter display. machine fonts in the printing make settings to print Tru-
eType fonts as an image. See
the printer driver Help.
Garbled characters are printed. The correct printer language
might have not been selected.
Set the correct printer language.
Set the machine's feed orienta-
Images are printed in the
wrong orientation.
The feed orientation you se-
lected and the feed orientation tion and the printer driver's
selected in the printer driver's feed orientation accordingly.
option setup might not be the See the printer driver Help.
Images are incomplete, or
excess pages are printed.
You may be using paper
smaller than the size selected that selected in the applica-
Use the same size paper as
in the application.
tion. If you cannot load paper
of the correct size, use the re-
duction function to reduce the
image, and then print.
See the printer driver Help.
Graphics print out differently If the printer driver is config- If you want to print accurate-
to how they appear on screen. ured to use the graphics com- ly, set the printer driver to
mand, the graphics command print without using the graph-
from the machine is used to
ics command.
See the printer driver Help.
Troubleshooting When Using the DDST Unit
Photo images are coarse.
Some applications print at
lower resolution.
Use the application's settings
to specify a higher resolution.
When using Windows 98/
Me/ 2000/ XP or Windows
Server 2003, Auto Re-
duce/Enlarge print does not
come out as expected.
Make sure the application's
paper size and orientation set-
tings match those of the print-
er driver.
If a different paper size and
orientation are set, select the
same size and orientation.
When using Windows 98/
Me/ 2000/ XP or Windows
The correct application or
printer driver settings are not per size and orientation set-
Make sure the application's pa-
Server 2003, combined print- made.
ing or booklet printing does
not come out as expected.
tings match those of the printer
driver. If a different paper size
and orientation are set, select
the same size and orientation.
❖ When paper is not fed properly
When you are using a Win-
Paper is not fed from the se-
lected tray.
Set the desired input tray us-
dows operating system, print- ing the printer driver. See the
er driver settings override
those settings using the dis-
play panel.
printer driver Help.
Print is slanted.
The tray's side fences might
not be locked.
Check the side fences are
locked. See p.92 “Changing
the Paper Size”.
Print is slanted.
Print is slanted.
The paper is feeding in at a
Load the paper correctly. See
p.87 “Loading Paper”.
The machine's cover is open. Make sure the right and lower
right covers are properly
Misfeeds occur frequently.
Misfeeds occur frequently.
Misfeeds occur frequently.
The number of sheets loaded Load paper only as high as the
exceeds the capacity of the
upper limit markings on the
side fences of the paper tray or
bypass tray. See “Copy Pa-
per”, About This Machine.
The paper is damp.
Use paper that has been
stored in the recommended
temperature and humidity
condition. See “Copy Paper”,
About This Machine.
The paper is too thick or too
Use recommended paper. See
“Copy Paper”, About This
The Printer Function
Misfeeds occur frequently.
The copy paper is wrinkled or Use recommended paper. Use
has been folded/creased.
paper that has been stored in
the recommended tempera-
ture and humidity condition.
See “Copy Paper”, About This
Misfeeds occur frequently.
Printed paper is being used.
Use recommended paper. See
“Copy Paper”, About This
Copy paper becomes creased. The paper is damp.
Copy paper becomes creased. The paper is too thin.
Use paper that has been
stored in the recommended
temperature and humidity
condition. See “Copy Paper”,
About This Machine.
Use recommended paper. See
“Copy Paper”, About This
There is considerable delay
between the print start in-
struction and actual printing.
“Off mode” might be set.
The machine requires time to
warm up if it has been in “Off
mode”. Specify “Off mode” in
[System Settings], [Auto Off Tim-
There is considerable delay
between the print start in-
Processing time depends on
data volume. High volume
If the Data In indicator is
blinking, data has been re-
struction and actual printing. data, such as graphics-heavy ceived by the machine. Wait
documents, takes longer to
for a while.
❖ Other printing problems
When using duplex printing,
Duplex printing is malfunc-
Duplex printing cannot be
done with paper set in the by- make settings to use paper
pass tray.
from a tray other than the by-
pass tray.
Duplex printing is malfunc-
You have loaded thick paper Specify another paper type.
specified as the paper type.
Duplex printing is malfunc-
Duplex printing cannot be
done with a tray for which
[Thick] has been specified as
Change the Paper Type set-
ting for the tray to [No Display
(Plain Paper)] on the System
Paper Type on the System Set- Settings menu. See “System
tings menu.
Settings”, General Settings
If the problem cannot be solved, contact your sales or service representative.
Troubleshooting When Using the DDST Unit
The Scanner Function
When Scanning Is Not Done As Expected
This section describes causes and remedies when scan results are not as expected.
The scanned image is dirty.
The exposure glass, scanning Clean these parts. See p.113
glass, exposure glass cover, or “Maintaining Your Machine”.
ARDF is dirty.
The image is distorted or out The original was moved dur- Do not move the original dur-
of position. ing scanning. ing scanning.
The image is distorted or out The original was not pressed Make sure that the original is
of position.
flat against the exposure glass. pressed flat against the expo-
sure glass.
The scanned image is upside The original was placed up-
down. side down.
Place the original in the cor-
rect orientation. See “Placing
Originals”, Printer/Scanner
No image results from scanning. The original was placed with When the original is placed
the front and back reversed.
directly on the exposure glass,
the side to be scanned must
face down. When the original
is fed via the ARDF, the side to
be scanned must face up. See
“Placing Originals”, Print-
er/Scanner Reference.
The scanned image contains
white spaces.
If you scan originals using
functions other than the net-
work TWAIN scanner func-
tion, certain paper size and
resolution settings may pro-
duce scanned images that are
larger than the specified size
because of margins being add-
ed to the sides.
Scanning at a higher resolu-
tion may reduce the margins.
The Scanner Function
When a Message Is Displayed
This section describes likely causes of and possible solutions for error messages
that may appear on the machine's display panel and the Client Computer.
When a message is displayed on the client computer
This section describes likely causes of and possible solutions for the main error
messages displayed on the client computer when using the TWAIN driver.
❒ If an error message that is not included in this section appears, turn off the
main power switch of the machine, and then turn it on again. For details
about how to turn off the main power switch, see “Turning On the Main Pow-
er”, About This Machine.
A paper misfeed has occurred Remove jammed originals,
Clear Misfeed(s) in
inside the ARDF.
and place them again.
After removing the misfed pa-
per, proceed with scanning.
Check whether the originals
are suitable to be scanned by
the machine.
You tried to register a name
that is already in use.
Use another name.
The name is already
in use. Check the
registered names.
The set original was misaligned.
Place the original correctly.
Specify the scan size.
Cannot detect the
paper size of the
original. Specify
the scanning size.
When placing an original
directly on the exposure
glass, the lifting/lowering
action of the ARDF trig-
gers the automatic original
size detection process. Lift
the ARDF by more than 30
The maximum number of reg- The maximum number of
isterable scanning modes has scanning modes that can be
Cannot add any more
scanning mode.
been exceeded.
stored is 99. Delete unneeded
scanning modes.
The maximum number of reg- The maximum number of
Cannot specify any
more scanning area.
isterable scanning areas has
scanning areas that can be
stored is 99. Delete unneeded
scanning areas.
been exceeded.
An unrecoverable error has
occurred in the machine.
Contact your service repre-
Please call your
service representa-
Troubleshooting When Using the DDST Unit
The TWAIN scanner function
Contact your service repre-
Scanner is not
cannot be used on this machine. sentative.
available on the
specified device.
The machine's main power
switch is off.
Set the main power switch
to “On”.
Scanner is not
available. Check the
scanner connection
The machine is not connect-
ed to the network correctly.
Check whether the ma-
chine is connected to the
network correctly.
The machine is not connected Check whether the machine is con-
No response from the
to the network correctly.
nected to the network correctly.
The network is crowded.
Wait for a while, and then try
to reconnect.
No response from the
Theapplication-specifiedscan Check whether the scanning
conditions have exceeded the settings made with the appli-
setting range of the machine. cation exceed the setting
range of the machine.
Error has occurred
in the scanner.
An unrecoverable error has
occurred on the machine.
Contact your service repre-
Fatal error has oc-
curred in the scan-
The ARDF cover is open.
Check whether the ARDF cov-
er is closed.
Scanner is not
ready. Check the
scanner and the op-
Scanner memory is insufficient.
Reset the scan size.
Reduce the scanning
Lower the resolution.
Set with no compression.
See TWAIN Driver help.
The problem may be due to
the following cause:
“The Relationship between
the Resolution and the Scan-
ning Area” chart in Help for
halftone scanning might not
always apply. Scanning can-
not be performed if large
values are set for brightness
when using halftone or high
The main power switch of
the previously used scan-
ner is not set to “On”.
Check whether the main
power switch of the scan-
ner used for the previous
scan is turned on.
Cannot find "xxx"
scanner used for the
previous scan. "YYY"
will be used in-
The machine is not connect-
ed to the network correctly.
Check the previously used
scanner is connected to the
network correctly.
(XXX and YYY indicate a scan-
ner name.)
The Scanner Function
An error has occurred in the
Check whether the network
cable is connected correctly
to the client computer.
Error has occurred
in the scanner driv-
Check whether the Ether-
net board of the client
computer is recognized
correctly by Windows.
Check whether the client
computer can use the
TCP/IP protocol.
A communication error has
occurred on the network.
Check whether the client compu-
ter can use the TCP/IP protocol.
Communication error
has occurred on the
Memory is insufficient.
Close all the unnecessary
applications running on
the client computer.
Close all other ap-
plications, then re-
start scanning.
Uninstall the TWAIN
Driver, restart the compu-
ter, and then reinstall the
TWAIN Driver.
“Turning On the Power”, About This Machine
Troubleshooting When Using the DDST Unit
7. Adding Paper, Toner and
This chapter describes troubleshooting procedures that are applicable to all the
machine's functions.
Loading Paper
This section describes what to do when paper runs out and needs reloading.
• When loading paper, take care not to trap or injure your fingers.
❒ Check the top of the stack is not higher than the limit mark inside the tray.
❒ Fan paper to get air between the sheets and prevent multi-sheet feeds.
❒ Be sure to select the paper size with User Tools. If you do not, misfeeds might
❒ Straighten curled or warped paper before loading.
❒ For paper types and sizes, see “Recommended Paper Sizes and Types”,
About This Machine.
❒ To load paper in the bypass tray, see “Copying from the Bypass Tray”, Copy
“Recommended Paper Sizes and Types”, About This Machine
“Copying from the Bypass Tray”, Copy Reference
Adding Paper, Toner and Staples
Loading Paper into the Paper Trays
This procedure explains how to load paper into the paper trays.
A Make sure the paper tray is not in use.
B Pull the paper tray out slowly until it stops.
C While pinching the release lever, slide the end fence outward.
D Square the paper and place it in the tray.
Do not stack paper over the limit mark.
E Position the end fence flush against the paper.
F Push the paper tray in until it stops.
❒ Fan the paper before loading.
Paper Trays, see “Changing the Paper Size”.
p.92 “Changing the Paper Size”
Loading Paper
Orientation-Fixed Paper or Two-Sided Paper
The following describes paper with its orientation and printing surface specified
(letterhead paper).
Orientation-fixed (top to bottom) or two-sided paper (for example, letterhead
paper, prepunched paper, or copied paper) might not print correctly, depending
on how the originals and paper are placed. Select [On] in [Letterhead Setting] un-
der Copier Features, and then place the original and paper as shown below. See
“Copier Features”, General Settings Guide.
When printing with the printer function, placing orientation is the same.
❖ Original Orientation
Exposure glass
*1 *2
When copying in this orientation using the duplex function, select [Always Specify] in
[Orientation] under [Copier Features] (User Tools). Place originals, and then select
as the original orientation.
When copying in this orientation using the duplex function, and loaded paper ori-
entation is L, place originals as shown below:
Adding Paper, Toner and Staples
❖ Loaded paper orientation
• For machine with copier function only
Loading Paper
• For MFP
❒ In [System Settings], specify [Letterhead] for “Paper Type” of the paper tray you
want to use. This setting is only available when the printer/scanner and fax
units are installed. See “Tray Paper Settings”, General Settings Guide.
Adding Paper, Toner and Staples
Changing the Paper Size
This section describes how to change paper sizes.
❒ Be sure to select the paper size in Paper Size Settings with User Tools. If you
do not, misfeeds might occur. See “Tray Paper Settings”, General Settings
❒ Fan the paper before loading.
❒ Straighten curled or warped paper before loading.
❒ For details about paper sizes and types, see “Copy Paper”, About This Machine.
“Copy Paper”, About This Machine
“Tray Paper Settings”, General Settings Guide
Changing the Paper Size
Changing the Paper Size in the Paper Tray
Use the following procedure when changing a paper size in the paper tray.
A Make sure the paper tray is not in use.
B Pull the paper tray out slowly until it stops.
C Remove any remaining copy paper.
D While pinching the release lever, slide the end fence outward.
E Press down the release button.
F While pressing the release lever, slide the side fences outward.
Adding Paper, Toner and Staples
G Square the paper and place it in the tray.
Do not stack paper over the limit mark.
H While pressing the release lever, push in the side and end fences until they
are flush against the paper's edges.
I Press down the lock button.
J Push the paper tray in until it stops.
❒ When setting small quantities of copy paper, be careful not to squeeze in
the side fence too much. Paper might not feed in properly if the side fences
are too tight against the paper's edges.
❒ Be sure to set the correct size, otherwise a paper jam might occur.
Changing the Paper Size
Selecting the paper size with user tools
This procedure explains how to change to a paper size selected with User Tools.
A Press the {User Tools/Counter} key.
B Select [System Settings] using {U} or {T}, and then press the {OK} key.
C Select [Tray Paper Settings] using {U} or {T}, and then press the {OK} key.
D Select “Paper Size” for the paper tray of which paper size will be changed
using {U} or {T}, and then press the {OK} key.
E Select the paper size using the scroll keys, and then press the {OK} key.
Adding Paper, Toner and Staples
F Press the {User Tools/Counter} key.
G Load the paper, and then gently push the paper tray in until it stops.
H Check the paper size on the display panel.
❒ For details about the types of paper that can be loaded in the paper tray,
see “Tray Paper Settings”, General Settings Guide.
“Tray Paper Settings”, General Settings Guide
Adding Toner
Adding Toner
This section describes adding and storing toner.
• Do not incinerate used toner or toner containers. Toner dust might ig-
nite when exposed to an open flame. Dispose of used toner containers
in accordance with local regulations.
• Keep toner (used or unused) and toner containers out of reach of children.
• If toner or used toner is inhaled, gargle with plenty of water and move into a
fresh air environment. Consult a doctor if necessary.
• If toner or used toner gets into your eyes, flush immediately with large
amounts of water. Consult a doctor if necessary.
• If toner or used toner is swallowed, dilute by drinking a large amount of wa-
ter. Consult a doctor if necessary.
• Do not store toner, used toner, or toner containers in a place with an open
flame. The toner might ignite and cause burns or a fire.
• Avoid getting toner on your clothes or skin when removing a paper jam or
replacing toner. If your skin comes into contact with toner, wash the affected
area thoroughly with soap and water.
• If toner gets on your clothing, wash with cold water. Hot water will set the
toner into the fabric and may make removing the stain impossible.
❒ Fault may occur if you use toner other than the recommended type.
❒ When adding toner, do not turn off the operation switch. If you do, settings
will be lost.
❒ Add toner only when the machine instructs you to do so.
❒ When a message “Add toner.” is shown on the display panel, replace the toner.
❒ Store the toner bottles in a cool, dry place free from direct sunlight.
❒ Store on a flat surface.
❒ Do not repeatedly install and remove toner bottles. This will result in toner
❒ Do not shake the removed toner bottle. Remaining toner might scatter.
Adding Paper, Toner and Staples
❒ You can make about 50 copies even after the D Add Toner indicator begins
flashing, but replace toner soon to prevent poor copy quality.
Replacing Toner
This section describes how to replace the toner bottle.
Removing toner
❒ Do not shake the removed toner bottle. The remaining toner might scatter.
Inserting toner
Adding Toner
❒ Do not remove the black cap before shaking.
❒ Do not remove the inner cap.
Sending Fax Messages When Toner Has Run Out
When the machine has run out of toner, the indicator on the display lights. Note
that even if there is no toner left, you can still send fax documents.
❒ Communication is not possible if the number of communications executed af-
ter the toner has run out plus the number of communications not listed in the
journal exceeds 200.
A Make sure that the machine is in facsimile mode.
If the fax screen does not appear, press the {Facsimile} key.
B Press [Exit], and then perform transmission operation.
The error message disappears.
❒ The communication results report cannot be printed.
Waste Toner
Waste toner cannot be re-used.
Take the bottle of waste toner to your sales representative or service representa-
tive for recycling. If you dispose of it on your own, treat it as general plastic
Adding Paper, Toner and Staples
Adding Staples
This section explains what to do when staples need replacing.
• Keep your hands clear of the booklet finisher tray when pulling out or push-
ing in the finisher's staple unit. You can trap your fingers if you do not.
❒ Stapling failures or jams may occur if you use a staple cartridge other than the
recommended type.
The following procedure explains how to add staples to the finisher.
❒ If you cannot pull out the upper unit, there are staples remaining inside the
cartridge. Use all the staples, do not add more.
Replacing the Transmission Stamp Cartridge
Replacing the Transmission Stamp
If the transmission stamp becomes faint, replace the cartridge.
❒ This stamp cartridge is used for facsimile and scanner functions.
❒ Use the cartridge specified for this machine.
❒ Do not add ink to the cartridge by yourself. Neglecting this can cause ink
❒ Be sure not to dirty your fingers with ink from the cartridge.
A Open the ARDF.
B Open the stamp cover.
C Pull out the old stamp cartridge.
Adding Paper, Toner and Staples
D Insert the new stamp cartridge.
Insert the cartridge until the metal parts are no longer visible.
E Close the stamp cover.
Hold down the centre part of the cover to make sure that it is closed completely.
F Lower the ARDF.
8. Clearing Misfeeds
This chapter describes what to do when paper or originals misfeed (become
jammed inside the machine).
Removing Jammed Paper
• The inside of the machine could be very hot. Do not touch any parts other
than specified in this document when removing misfed paper. Otherwise, it
may cause burn injury.
• The fusing section of this machine might be very hot. Caution should be tak-
en when removing misfed paper.
❒ When clearing misfeeds, do not turn off the operation switch. If you do, your
copy settings are cleared.
❒ To prevent misfeeds, do not leave any torn scraps of paper inside the machine.
❒ If paper misfeeds occur frequently, contact your service representative.
❒ More than one misfeed area may be indicated. If this is the case, check every
indicated area. Refer to the following charts: A, B, C, D, P, R, Y, and Z.
❒ You can find stickers explaining how to remove misfed paper inside the right
cover and on the top of the ARDF cover.
❒ When the machine instructs you to reset originals, reset them in the feeding
position. The display will show you the number of originals to return.
Clearing Misfeeds
Removing Jammed Staples
This section explains how to remove jammed staples.
❒ Curled paper may cause staples to jam. To avoid this, turn copy paper over
in the tray.
❒ When the finisher is installed, after removing jammed staples, staples will not
be ejected the first few times you try to use the stapler.
“Specifications for Options”, About This Machine
The following procedure explains how to remove jammed staples from the finisher.
9. Remarks
This chapter describes how to maintain and operate the machine.
Where to Put Your Machine
This section provides precautions for installation, movement and disposal.
Machine Environment
Choose your machine's location carefully.
Environmental conditions greatly affect its performance.
Optimum environmental conditions
The following describes precautions when locating the machine.
• Keep the machine away from humidity and dust. Otherwise a fire or an elec-
tric shock might occur.
• Do not place the machine on an unstable or tilted surface. If it topples over,
an injury might occur.
• After you move the machine, use the caster fixture to fix it in place. Other-
wise the machine might move or come down to cause an injury.
• Make sure the room where you are using the machine is well ventilated and
spacious. Good ventilation is especially important when the machine is used
• Temperature: 10-32 °C (50-89.6 °F) (humidity to be 54% at 32 °C, 89.6 °F)
• Humidity: 15-80% (temperature to be 27 °C, 80.6 °F at 80%)
• Ventilation: 3 times/hr/person or more
• A strong and level base.
• The machine must be level within 5 mm, 0.2 inches: both front to rear and left
to right.
Environments to avoid
• Locations exposed to direct sunlight or other sources of strong light (more
than 1,500 lux).
Locations directly exposed to cool air from an air conditioner or heated air from a heat-
er. (Sudden temperature changes can cause condensation to form inside the machine.)
• Locations close to machines generating ammonia, such as a diazo copy machine.
• Places where the machine will be subject to frequent strong vibration.
• Dusty areas.
• Areas with corrosive gases.
The following describes precautions when moving the machine.
• Before moving the machine, be sure to pull all four handles fully out. If not,
an injury might occur. After moving the machine, return the four handles to
their original positions.
• Before moving the machine, be sure to disconnect all external connections,
especially the power cord from the wall outlet. Damaged power cords are a
fire and electric shock hazard.
• If you have to move the machine when the optional paper tray unit is at-
tached, do not push on the main unit's top section. Doing so can cause the
optional paper tray unit to detach, possibly resulting in injury.
• Unplug the power cord from the wall outlet before you move the machine.
While moving the machine, you should take care that the power cord will not
be damaged under the machine.
❒ Be careful when moving the machine. Take the following precautions:
• Turn off the main power. See “Turning Off the Main Power / In the Event
of Power Failure” or “Turning Off the Main Power”, About This Machine.
• Unplug the power cord from the wall outlet. When you pull out the plug
from the socket, grip the plug to avoid damaging the cord, thereby reduc-
ing the risk of fire or electric shock.
• Close all covers and trays, including the front cover and bypass tray.
❒ Do not take off the holding stand.
❒ Protect the machine from strong shocks. Impact can damage the memory.
Where to Put Your Machine
p.37 “Turning Off the Main Power / In the Event of Power Failure”
“Turning Off the Main Power”, About This Machine
Power Connection
The following describes power supply.
• Connect the machine only to the power source described on the inside
front cover of this manual. Connect the power cord directly into a wall
outlet and do not use an extension cord.
• Do not damage, break or make any modifications to the power cord.
Do not place heavy objects on it. Do not pull it hard nor bend it more
than necessary. These actions could cause an electric shock or fire.
• Unplug the power cord from the wall outlet before you move the machine.
While moving the machine, you should take care that the power cord will not
be damaged under the machine.
• If the power cord is damaged (exposure of the core, disconnection, etc.),
contact your service representative to change a new one. Operating the ma-
chine with a damaged power cord may cause an electric shock or fire.
• When you disconnect the power plug from the wall outlet, always pull the
plug (not the cable).
• To disconnect the power cord, pull it out by plug. Do not drag the cord itself.
Doing so may result in damage to the cord, leading to fire or electric shock.
• When the main power switch is in the stand-by position, the optional anti-
condensation heaters are on. In case of emergency, unplug the machine's
power cord.
• When you unplug the power cord, the optional anti-condensation heaters
turn off.
• Make sure the plug is inserted firmly in the wall outlet.
• Voltage must not fluctuate by more than 10%.
• The wall outlet shall be installed near the machine and shall be easily accessible.
Access to the Machine
Place the machine near the power source, providing the clearance areas shown.
1. Rear: 5 cm (2") or more
3. Front: 75 cm (29.6") or more
2. Right: 25 cm (10") or more
4. Left: 15 cm (6") or more
For the required space when options are installed, contact your service representative.
When Not Used for a Long Time
• For safety reason, unplug the power cord from the wall outlet if the machine
will not be used for an extended period of time such as holidays.
Note the following:
• If the machine has not been used recently, it requires time to initialize so can-
not start printing immediately. Leave the machine switched on and wait
about ten minutes.
Maintaining Your Machine
Maintaining Your Machine
If the exposure glass, exposure glass cover, or ARDF belt is dirty, copy clarity
may be reduced. Clean these parts if they are dirty.
• Fire and breakdown can result from heavy accumulation of dust inside this
machine. Consult your service representative for details about and charges
for cleaning the machine’s interior.
❒ Do not use chemical cleaners or organic solvents, such as thinner or benzene.
If such substances get inside the machine or melt plastic parts, a failure might
❒ Do not clean parts other than those explicitly specified in this manual. Other
parts should only be cleaned by your service representative.
❖ Cleaning the machine
Wipe the machine with a soft, damp cloth, and then wipe it with a dry cloth
to remove the water.
Cleaning the Exposure Glass
This section describes how to clean the exposure glass and scanning glass.
Clean 1 and 2.
Adding staples, 100
Adding toner, 97
Add Toner indicator, 3
Adjusting the display's contrast, 6
Alert messages, 43, 72
Image is dirty, 49, 77
Indicators, 3
Inserting toner, 98
Letterhead paper, 89
Limit mark, 93
Loading paper, 87
Loading paper into the paper trays, 88
Basic, 17
Bridge Unit, 1
Cleaning the machine, 113
Combination chart, 9
Main power switch, 37
Meaning of beep patterns, 4
Memory is full, 19, 35
Multi-accessing, 9
Combine, 17
Copies are too light, 14
Network cannot be browsed, 58
Network Delivery, 58
No scan image, 57, 82
DDST unit, 69
Duplex, 17
Operation switch indicator, 6, 37
Optimum environmental conditions, 109
Orientation-fixed paper, 89
Edit, 17
End fence, 93
Original orientation, 89
Environments to avoid, 110
Error indicator, 3
Error log, 45, 74
Error Mail Notification, 38
Error Report (E-Mail), 38
Fax error report, 36
Finisher, 1, 100, 108
Function status indicator, 5
Panel tone, 4
Toner, 98, 99
Transmission, 31
Transmission/Reception, 31
TWAIN, 65, 83
Password not correct, 6
Power connection, 111
Two-sided paper, 89
Power Failure Report, 37
Power supply, 111
Precautions when locating the machine, 109
Printed image is different from
Printed image is faded, 49, 77
Printer driver installation, 39, 69
Printing, 31
Printing does not start, 46, 75
When a message is displayed
When certain settings are required
RDS (Remote Diagnostic System), 37
Reception, 31
Release button, 93
Removing jammed paper, 103
Removing jammed staples, 108
Removing toner, 98
When D is displayed
When paper is not fed properly, 49, 77
Replacing toner, 98
Scanned image contains white spaces, 57, 82
Scanned image is dirty, 57, 82
Scanned image is distorted, 57, 82
Scanned image is out of position, 57, 82
Scanned image is upside down, 57, 82
Selecting the paper size with user tools, 95
Shadow appears on copies, 14
Side fences, 93
Stamp cartridge replacement, 101
Status messages, 42, 71
In accordance with IEC 60417, this machine uses the following symbols for the main power switch:
a means POWER ON.
b means POWER OFF.
c means STAND BY.
Microsoft®, Windows®, Windows Server®, and Windows VistaTM are either registered trademarks or
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TrueType is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
Adobe, Acrobat, Acrobat Reader, PostScript, and Reader are either registered trademarks or trade-
marks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries.
PCL® is a registered trademark of Hewlett-Packard Company.
The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are owned by the Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks
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Other product names used herein are for identification purposes only and might be trademarks of their
respective companies. We disclaim any and all rights to those marks.
The proper names of the Windows operating systems are as follows:
The product name of Windows 95 is Microsoft® Windows® 95
The product name of Windows 98 is Microsoft® Windows® 98
The product name of Windows Me is Microsoft® Windows® Millennium Edition (Windows Me)
The product names of Windows 2000 are as follows:
Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Professional
Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Server
Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Advanced Server
The product names of Windows XP are as follows:
Microsoft® Windows® XP Professional
Microsoft® Windows® XP Home Edition
Microsoft® Windows® XP Media Center Edition
Microsoft® Windows® XP Tablet PC Edition
The product names of Windows Vista are as follows:
Microsoft® Windows VistaTM Ultimate
Microsoft® Windows VistaTM Enterprise
Microsoft® Windows VistaTM Business
Microsoft® Windows VistaTM Home Premium
Microsoft® Windows VistaTM Home Basic
The product names of Windows Server 2003 are as follows:
Microsoft® Windows Server® 2003 Standard Edition
Microsoft® Windows Server® 2003 Enterprise Edition
Microsoft® Windows Server® 2003 Web Edition
Microsoft® Windows Server® 2003 Datacenter Edition
Copyright © 2007
Type for MP 2500/Aficio MP 2500/IS 2325
AE AE D010-7626A
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